Why Piramid Head's power doesn't have charges or cooldown?
Is there a design reason for that? I think is weird how killers like Huntress or the trickster need to drop a chase to recharge their power but for some reason Pyramid doesn't have to do that.
It can hit 1 to 4 survivors at the same time
Its a guaranteed double hit if you are camping
Goes through every object
It's spammable
Everytime you corner someone in a loop is just a matter of using the power a couple of times.
Much much easier to dodge, very telegraphed. You can get huge W distance every time they miss, or even if they hit sometimes, assuming you are not cornered. You can't use the power to zone if you spammed it a few times.
And if you are cornered you are gonna go down fast to a lot of killers, not just PH. Knight probably being the worst offender there since he can basically just AFK on one side of the loop and send guards at you
Also Pyramid is bugged right now and his camera goes all wonky every time you put the sword in the ground so he's suffering from the Pig problem that still hasn't been fixed
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I think it‘s just easier to doge than huntress hatchets, so there is no need for that. What would you want reload as him?
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It's a very tank-like power that misses out on the ease of mobility and use other ranged Killers have. It's easy enough to dodge when watching it, since the floor lights up before the power is cast so you know exactly where it will aim.
It is strong when it comes to walls blocking the Survivor's eyesight of Pyramid Head, but still has a bit of counterplay. Within eye-sight, keeping calm and watching it is good countering.
Also, it does not have the range, subtlety nor ease of adjustment that the Huntress of Deathslinger has.
It doesn't feel like a power that needs any form of cooldown. The charge requirement is more suited and feels fair when I've faced him.