P-Head Cages are Weird

I feel like they are either a good timesaver or actually harmful for the killer. I can’t tell you how many times a cage has just spawned right next to me while I’m doing a gen so the killer gets like no slowdown from the hook. Also his cages are a tunneler’s dream. You can just hit them right off unhook. I don’t play Pyramid Head so I don’t know if it’s enough to warrant a change, but his cages seem like they could use some tuning to me. Thoughts?


  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Yeah i wish the cages would spawn the most futher of surv sometimes.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    I like them because of the fact they are a perfect counter to blinding saves and can be used tactically to spread out Survivors. Saves time too!

    Sometimes, hooking is better, even when the Survivor is tormented. Whether waiting to cast Final Judgement, or simply because sending them to a Cage of Torment could send them right next to an open Exit Gate, it's about deciding when is the best time.

    Personally, if a Survivor is Tormented and has yet to been hooked, I almost always send them to the Cage of Torment, just to avoid Deliverence or the chance of a self-unhook. Afterwards, it's dependent on how the Trial is at that point.

    As for a change, I am not sure whether it needs one but I would like an add-on overhaul to include an add-on or two which involves those Cages. It's wasted potential currently.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    The cages work indeed right as you exlpained it and thats part of his kit. The caging animation is takes less time then picking a survivor up, least walking over to a hook and throwing them on, so its foremost a massive timesaver.

    Second, when Pyramid Head cages a survivor they are teleported to the furthest part of the map from Pyramid Heads position. Sometimes you don't care and just want a quick and fast hook and one more hookstage. At other times you can do it strategically when you know that the furthest part of the map is a dead zone and that there is probably no survivor over there. Also, if you are good at predicting cage logic, you can move over there and sometimes interrupt the unhooking process or even hit any would-be-saviors. There is also the fact that the caging animation can't be interrupted, so if the survivor went down under a pallet and there is another one close by, just cage them and go chasing.

    And yeah, you already teasered one of the cages strongest mechanics: its completely unphased by hook related mechanics, perks or abilities. No basekit BT, no DS, no nothing. Someone send to the cage has to pay the price for all this perks in another match and a mean Pyramid Head can capatilise on this and even time his POTD projectile to his the unhooked survivor when they touch the ground, just like in the glorious olden times. Bonus points if the unhooker is also wounded and you get a double down. Thats truely one of the most heartsinking moments that survivor gameplay has left.

    So you see, there is more to the cages then meets the eye at a casual glance. Yes, Pyramid Head can tunnel like in the old times, but thats actually a sidepart of his kit, as he is a cold-hearted executioner of the damned, and doing so is actually an expression of skill, because you correctly predicted the cage spawn location AND moved there in time before any other survivors, which is only possible if they adhere to the old addage "gens before friends" and thats their decision then.

    Appart from this, not every Pyramid Head player will try to tunnel off-cage, as it is really scummy, BUT sometimes you are left with no other option when you are backed against the wall and really need to secure that kill. And unless the unhooking survivor was wounded and also downed by the POTD, there is at least one warm body to potentially protect the tunneled survivor.