Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Rework Concept - The Pig

In DbD's 2024 update roadmap, they shared that the Pig will be getting tweaked in some way in March-April. It seems to be a small change they have planned, but I'm sure that all of us can agree that the Pig needs a rework to address the many issues in her kit, mainly that she is not very fun to play as due to her awful stealth and ambush abilities, and with certain builds her Reverse Bear Traps become a significant problem for Survivors to deal with. The aim of this rework concept is to:

  • Make the Pig feel closer to the Saw franchise: voice overs from Jigsaw as well as the bear traps being present throughout the entire trial make you feel like you're in one of Jigsaw's games
  • Make the Pig more fun to play as by giving her a better chase ability and better stealth capabilities
  • Make her Reverse Bear Traps more reliable forms of slowdown but more difficult to abuse with add-ons and cringe strategies (e.g. following a Survivor with an active trap in stealth so a chase doesn't start and their timer will still tick down but are unable to search boxes because you're behind them)


Crouch/Ambush changes:

  • Crouched movement speed increased from 3.6m/s to 4m/s
  • Crouch transition speed increased by 25%
  • If a Pig is chasing a Survivor while crouched, a chase will start
  • Ambush movement speed increased from 6.9m/s to 7.5m/s
  • Ambush duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds
  • Ambush miss cooldown increased from 2 to 3 seconds
  • While Ambushing, the Pig can perform a rushed vault similar to Wesker/Chucky/Legion
  • Camera turn speed decreased while performing an ambush, making it harder to hit
  • Ambush has a cooldown of 5 seconds

Reverse Bear Trap changes:

  • All Survivors start the trial with Reverse Bear Traps installed and the ability to place Reverse Bear Traps on Survivors is removed completely
  • Reverse Bear Traps are no longer activated by the completion of a generator, but instead completing Conspicuous Actions (healing, generator repairs etc.) builds up the trap's progress which is indicated on the Survivor's player icon - this cannot be seen by the Pig
  • When the trap's progress bar is completed, the trap activates a 90 second timer during which 2 jigsaw box searches must be completed or the Survivor will die
  • Jigsaw box count reduced from 5 to 4 and they are evenly spread out across the map
  • If a Survivor is in the middle of a Conspicuous Action and the progress bar completes (for example they are doing a gen and they fill the progress bar of their trap while repairing), the trap will not activate until they stop the action or it is finished.
  • If a Survivor loses a health state or a chase that lasts longer than 10 seconds begins, while their trap is active, their trap deactivates to prevent the Pig from focusing survivors with active traps
  • Successfully finding the key to the trap will no longer remove it, instead deactivating it, beginning a 90 second grace period during which Conspicuous Actions will not add to the trap timer. However, the Survivor's location is revealed to the Pig via Killer Instinct
  • Reverse Bear Traps are removed from all Survivors by the Entity upon the completion of the last generator, except for active ones

Add-on Pass to take this rework into account. The Crate/Bag of Gears as well as the Tampered Timer add-ons need to have a new effect as well as Video Tape which is now base kit.

Quality of Life:

  • Jigsaw will play an active role in the Trials with voice lines from Tobin Bell himself, which play at the start of a trial (e.g. I want to play a game), when a trap activates (e.g. You have 90 seconds to find the key...) and when a trap is deactivated at a Jigsaw box (e.g. Congratulations, you are grateful to be alive...)
  • If the Pig is using the Amanda's Rebirth skin, these voice lines will instead be played by Amanda herself, with voice acting from Shawnee Smith
  • The Amanda's Rebirth skin will also feature voice lines from Amanda, similar to Chucky
  • The Pig should be voiced by Shawnee Smith in general

Let me know your thoughts!


  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Hard to say if they are so invested in the rework that they will hire the voice actors, but it would surely be nice for fans of the movies.

    The changes look nice, however I would like it if you could do the boxes preemptively just so you can benefit of the grace period, the killer is getting his slowdown by this as well so it should be alright. Other than that we would have to play test if a 3 second dash would not be a little bit overturned but it could alright and would make pig definitely a lot stronger in chase.

    In summon I think the changes are alright, I think there needs to be something done for endgame though, because you are still basically unable to leave if your trap is active and you cannot even fully deactivate it beforehand... But maybe it is not as big of a problem as I think it is?

  • CompleatBeet
    CompleatBeet Member Posts: 118

    They did actually get Tobin Bell to voice Jigsaw in the Saw Tome Trailer a while back, and Shawnee Smith has expressed interest in being involved with her character in Dead by Daylight, so it's certainly possible IMO! As a Saw fan myself I'd love to see them in the game.

    I think it would be more fun if you could only do the boxes when they're active, the pressure of a ticking clock with your life on the line would make you feel the adrenaline for sure! With certain measures to prevent the Pig from targeting survivors with active traps like I mentioned I think it would be great.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I guess for experienced players there will never be much pressure in this situations, however if the problem I'm worried about does not appear regardless then it is fine the way it is...