Suggestion to prevent early game quitters

With bots now solving the issue of survivor DCs, there is still the issue of people giving up on first hook and letting themselves die.

I think one way to prevent this is by only allowing the ability to unhook yourself under certain conditions. These conditions being:

  • When using a perk like Deliverance, Up the Ante, or Slippery Meat
  • When all teammates are hooked or in the dying state
  • When only two survivors remain in the trial
  • When the facecamping meter is full

This still allows for self-unhooking in those crucial moments, while not giving quitters an easy out. There really isn't much of a need to risk self-unhooking when you still have 3 or 4 teammates that go in for a save. And now with the anti-facecamping meter, you're guaranteed an unhook if the killer is hard camping.

Also, I would say you could even remove skill checks from the struggle phase of being hooked. These skill checks don't really add much meaningful gameplay, and are largely another mechanic for a survivor to give up on hook. These really should just be removed completely.