Idea to improve the anti camp system

Currently the anti-camp system has a limit distance that the killer can be from the hook for the anti-camp to be active, however there are killers (mainly that use projectiles) use the face-camp at a distance at which the anti-camp bar cannot activate, So I had an idea that might help with this:
The anti-camping system also activates if the killer are looking "directly" at the survivor hooked to your camera regardless of the distance without being in pursuit (obviously)
Another idea is that the survs could know if the bar was progressing, especially since players in SWF notify each other
I went against a competitive player as Nurse yesterday and she camped every single person to death. All she was doing was blinking through the anti-camp radius to patrol the hook just outside the radius, and when she noticed that each person went to second stage, she would get closer as she knew the timing for the self-unhook meter and it allowed her to actually face camp everyone to death.
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Yes, I've seen huntless with an instant down add-on that was outside the anti-camping zone just waiting for someone to approach the hook to knock it down with the axe, looking at the hooked person
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Dude you are not face camping from a distance ... come on man :D:D Words have meanings... Face camping and from a distance exclude each other ^^
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The feature isn't meant to counter all camping, just camping where the killer stands right in front of the hook. The system does the job it's intended to and survivors don't need tools for free unhooks.
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Come on, it is not Anti-Camp, it is "ANTI-FACE CAMP". Killer roaming around the hook with distances is considered as proxy camping, not face camping.
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The main problem is that people think this is antiCAMP system. It is antiFACECAMP, to give a chance to people to do something when otherwise there would be nothing. There is no need to improve it, it works surprisingly good.
And I am laughing, because earlier I was memeing with that survivors scream camping even if the killer look their way... And now you actually would like it. Did you considered that if a teammate runs to the hook, and the killer is behind them they looking to that way, so you would get a free unhook for the nothing, when even the killer is not there? How would it be good for the game?
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Good question, but if you're looking at the hook it's because you're waiting for that person to be saved so you can tunnel them, so you're camping at a distance,So the idea would be to nerf killers that have projectiles and that use ranged resources to balance things out?
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exactly, but the impression it gives me is that the killers who look at the hook from a distance are trying to prove that anti-face camping doesn't work for them, so we should improve it
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Ehm what? What cheating? What taking advantage and what broken resource?
As I said - it's work as it is intended. No need the fix in it anything (it was bugged by lvl differences, but it is patched out fast). BHR never said, it is antiCAMP. They said camping is part of the game.
Maybe the problem is that you don't know what is facecamping. Since survivors used it for everything now facecamping means that even if the killers look back to the hook from 70 meters it is facecamping. Actually it is more then facecamping, since it has a pretty large area. So I really do not understand what cheating and taking advantage are you talking about.
And no, it is not about my "winrate". It is about that you try to have free unhooks for the nothing.
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Sorry, I sent the message to the wrong person, I corrected your answer, look there
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Maybe it's really difficult to make everything work perfectly in the game, the problem is when you know that the killer is purposely wanting to break the system that was created to encourage them to play the game and not just stand in front of the hook,
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No one is breaking the system. If they aren't standing right in front of the hook, then the system isn't intended to punished the killer.
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And you want to encourage them with punishing others? Try to look it from a wider perspective. Like imagine the scenario what I wrote earlier. And no, I don't think that killers try to proove that the system is broken. They just have a power to proxy-camp. If BHVR would like to prevent the killers to be able to go close to the hook they would already did it. But they said many-many-many times, they don't. This mechanics there only for the victim, who otherwise would have nothing to do in the whole game. If a killer outside of that radius, then a teammate can go for the save. Why should survivors unhook themself freely? The whole point is that at least 1 person, or ideally more have to leave gens and come for the save.
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and your point of view is like this: the game has 4 survivors, I can't kill any of them and I'm only satisfied if I kill them all, otherwise I lost the game, while for a solo survivor, if he dies the game it ends, and survivors don't always play in teams, and you don't need to kill all 4, if you kill 2 and only have one generator left to complete, the game is already yours, not to mention that if the generators are completed the anti-camp does not work, the game gives the killer more chances than the surv, unless it is a super strong swf the killer will always have a better chance of winning, and you really want to win by trying less, and this has a logical reason:
You imagine that you are playing Pig or clown and are facing the best survs with more than 8k hours, while I watch a lot of soloQ against a spirt or a super strong Alien, you can understand the difference? This is normal, you are against changes for fear of harming the weakest part of the game, even if my intention is against the strongest part of the game, there will always be this opposition, if you know what I mean
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You are asking for Killers to play for different chases and hooks when it is not a feasible strategy across multiple games, not to mention that some Killers are designed to deny areas rather than chase a Survivor from pallet to pallet.
Until this gets changed, I don’t see why the devs should jump the gun and make an anti camping system first.
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Then that's camping or proxi camping. Both where NOT targeted by the anti face camp mechanic.
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Killers who aren't right in the front of the hook are easier to secure a trade against.
Defending the hook from unhooks is a completely valid way to play.
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What is mindnumbling that you still expect an antiCAMP mechanic from the antiFACECAMP mechanic.
Even if you would right (but no, even if the killer camps it is not always a trade in best scenario - it is far from that) then so what? Meanwhile 1 person is trading before a stage is lost on the hook (which is a minute?) the other 2 is repairing. Also there are perks, which can make this even longer. And beside this you also want a free unhook without any effort from the survivor side? It is not the killer's fault that your teammates not save you.
And before you even try use that "what effort from the killer" thing. If a killer camps that hard, they give up the ability to defend gens at all. Even over a full death on hook would give time the others for at least 2 gens, even if the survivor got downed extremly fast.
BHVR never said that this will prevent the killer to be able to camp or proxy-camp a hook. It is part of the game, and it will be.
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Protecting hooks is literally a killer objective. The feature isn't supposed to give you risk free saves. The devs literally have said countless times that proxy camping is an intended and expected tactic to be used by killers. Face camping was the problem, and that was addressed.
Now ranged killers are still a problem, but that's a ranged killer issue, not an anti face camping issue.
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I don't really understand what are you saying. But I'll try to answer what i think you said.
Me (and basicly every killer's) goal is to kill all the 4 survivors. Most likely before the gates are opened, even before 5 gens are done. This is their only objective, just like for survivors to get out the trial.
Meanwhile BHVR said 2 kills is a win, it is not. Maybe on low grade, but even in silver 3 kills still can be only a safepip. And even if I have 2 kills at 1 gens the game is absolutly not win. Maybe in that "2 kills a win" mentality, but the game will still punish you. Also at that point survivors still easily can win depending on how fast you find them, and how long they can loop with you. But what I don't understand what is your point with this? You say that killers should let survivors farm after they killed 2 of them? Or give a free escape? And how it is relevant in that topic?
And you still call it anticamp, meanwhile many of us said, that this is not. It is antiFACEcamp. And of cours it not works in endgame. Why should it? At that point you probably had your chance to play the game. And BHVR said, endgame is the killer's time. Thats why DS not work at that point either.
Also I do not understand that part about "for the solo player it is over". Yeah. They can go to the next game. So?
Just imagine if it would work. The killer propably will camp you since there is nothing to do. He do not know where are the others, maybe they even healthy. They are opening the gate already. And if he left you, they easily save you and he loose even that 1 kill. But he has to left (or stay away) otherwise you even would be able to unhook yourself. It would be nonsense.
I am not against changes, yet not "fear of harming the weakest part of the game". It is you, who still try to remove a mechanic from the game meanwhile give nothing for it. Even after BHVR said many times, that camping is part of the game.
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If facecamping was never the problem, then people wouldn't have complained about it.
The devs did something to combat facecamping, because they deemed it to be an issue, but have also said that defending hooks is a playstyle they don't want to remove.
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People were specifically complaining about facecamping.
Killers are suppose to kill the survivors. They can focus on defending gens, but they can also focus on defending hooks. Your opinion on hook defense is simply not the reality.
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The system combats face camping, not any other types of camping. Survivor you get to face camp gens without a problem, at least you get to use strategy.