"We are, more than ever, committed to show appreciation for our AMAZING community" -Mathieu Cote

So the story here is that this person was playing nurse on badham with 5 blinks, NOED and an ebony mori. She could barely land a blink and even when she did hit us she would lose us a second later. When the game was over i proceeded to say how toxic and sweaty that whole match was and he said that it was his "3rd time playing nurse" which i don't know to be true because his profile was private. This man then proceeded to go ballistic after we were telling him how bad he was for playing something he knew would not work. First off, you don't need 5 blinks to hit someone, that is your own fault for thinking that you can.

So now i have to go and report this player after he has made it personal with me. Insulting me, telling me to commit suicide and even making fun of my sexuality saying very personal stuff which you can read in the screenshots. Now, i will say i showed one part of his name to prove that this wasn't me that said these things, and i copied the link to his profile and as soon as i finish up here will be writing the report.

But i just want to say something, This community acts like babies fighting over a piece of candy. You have one side complaining about loops and getting gen-rushed, and you have another side getting mad because of players using toxic addons to either make the game faster or just because they can. There are no rules to this game no "tunneling", no "camping" none of it. Those are just terms made up terms by famous streamers who are survivor mains (You know who you are) something needs to be done about this. If you're wondering why i am writing this, it's because people like the guy who said these things to me are still in the game, and will continue to say these things unless it is not brought to the attention of this so called "Community". (because this damn place is like a prison ruled by prison guards who riot all the time)

I also would like a mod to contact me on steam to let me know when action has been taken care of with this player. Because i don't even trust the people that wear the title of mod.


  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    Even though you shouldn't have antagonized the killer, their response is beyond ######### up and unacceptable. I hope they get banned soon.

  • BoxingRouge
    BoxingRouge Member Posts: 606
    edited January 2019
    This is really unacceptable and uncalled for, I wonder how these people sleep at night after they say things like this... 
  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165
    edited January 2019

    @twistedmonkey said:
    Nothing condones what they said in the chat and it needs stamped out and reported.

    However it sounds like you and your friends were the instigators originally, why did you feel the need to tell them how sweaty and toxic it was and also how bad they were? You then go onto call the community cry babies and how anything is fair game so why is what they did then toxic? Why did you simply not just leave and move on? 

    It sounds like you may be just as bad without the use of certain words, never be that person it shows you to be no better than the rest of the toxic players and now someone has taken it further than yourself you dont like it, two wrongs don't make a right.

    One thing for you to think about, is this normal behaviour for them or was it how you acted that brought it out.

    When we finished telling him how bad he was for playing so scummy because keep in mind i think he didn't get any of us. He used addons on a killer which, those addons you don't even really need. So when we were telling him that his playstyle was not only toxic but complete garbage he then went all out. Also, the other members of the team weren't with me, this was all solo.

    And the only reason i say this community is so trash is simply because it is. And anyone who tries to sugar coat it by saying that this is such a wonderful game is simply trying to put themselves in a forced positive mindset. And they think that everything in every game is alright, when it's not.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    When we finished telling him how bad he was for playing so scummy because keep in mind i think he didn't get any of us. He used addons on a killer which, those addons you don't even really need. So when we were telling him that his playstyle was not only toxic but complete garbage he then went all out. Also, the other members of the team weren't with me, this was all solo.

    And the only reason i say this community is so trash is simply because it is. And anyone who tries to sugar coat it by saying that this is such a wonderful game is simply trying to put themselves in a forced positive mindset. And they think that everything in every game is alright, when it's not.

    Yes they went way past the point of being normal trash talk and something should be done as someone can take what they said seriously

    Your post just reiterated my point, you chose to say what you did after the match for no reason, you are part of the problem which makes this community so toxic.

    It costs nothing to be nice and civil, so what if they did not play well, so what if the nurse doesn't need those add-ons, do you think this justifies yourself and your friends personally attacking how they played?
  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649
    edited January 2019

    "now I have to report him cuz he said personal things"
    Nooo, just close the chat, move on and don't make a post cuz of that. It's so easy. As if reporting him would change anything about ur "hurt" feelings. 

    "this community act like babies"
    Yes it's does, and you are absolutely part of that. Is it so hart for a grown up man to laugh about what stupid people say and wish it off?

    Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with these horrible people in the chat. But I absolutely don't get it why people are acting like they killed a family member or similar. For me it's straight entertaining and funny of someone insults me in the chat. Just shows how stupid they really are
  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:

    "now I have to report him cuz he said personal things"
    Nooo, just close the chat, move on and don't make a post cuz of that. It's so easy. As if reporting him would change anything about ur "hurt" feelings. 

    "this community act like babies"
    Yes it's does, and you are absolutely part of that. Is it so hart for a grown up man to laugh about what stupid people say and wish it off?

    Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with these horrible people in the chat. But I absolutely don't get it why people are acting like they killed a family member or similar. For me it's straight entertaining and funny of someone insults me in the chat. Just shows how stupid they really are

    Oh i laughed trust me, but at the same time you need to be careful for the things you say or else you could get banned for the game, some people don't know that some people take ######### like that to the heart.

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    @Delfador said:
    Bud it doesn't justify what he said to you but why the hell do you need to tell him how bad he was? What do you think would happen here? What do you think you would get by telling him that he was bad? You are toxic as well sorry to say that.

    You make absolutely zero sense tbh. You say camping and tunneling are made up terms and then call the killer sweaty. Sweaty for what? Winning? The term 'sweaty' is the most ridiculous thing in this game.

    I hope they look at the whole chat and you get banned too. You are one of those who add fuel to toxicity. Most probably this man wouldn't even say the things he said if you didn't provoke him.

    He didn't win though....that's why i said it was sweaty.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Detective_Jonathan said:

    He didn't win though....that's why i said it was sweaty.

    And I didn't say he won. The term sweaty is used when killers try hard to win the game which is completely okay.

    And for the love of god, if he lost anyway, why do you feel urge to taunt him and tell him that he was so bad?

    Good God

  • Morfedel
    Morfedel Member Posts: 231

    @Detective_Jonathan said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    Nothing condones what they said in the chat and it needs stamped out and reported.

    However it sounds like you and your friends were the instigators originally, why did you feel the need to tell them how sweaty and toxic it was and also how bad they were? You then go onto call the community cry babies and how anything is fair game so why is what they did then toxic? Why did you simply not just leave and move on? 

    It sounds like you may be just as bad without the use of certain words, never be that person it shows you to be no better than the rest of the toxic players and now someone has taken it further than yourself you dont like it, two wrongs don't make a right.

    One thing for you to think about, is this normal behaviour for them or was it how you acted that brought it out.

    When we finished telling him how bad he was for playing so scummy because keep in mind i think he didn't get any of us. He used addons on a killer which, those addons you don't even really need. So when we were telling him that his playstyle was not only toxic but complete garbage he then went all out. Also, the other members of the team weren't with me, this was all solo.

    And the only reason i say this community is so trash is simply because it is. And anyone who tries to sugar coat it by saying that this is such a wonderful game is simply trying to put themselves in a forced positive mindset. And they think that everything in every game is alright, when it's not.

    Dude, it sounds like you started this. Telling him he was bad, toxic, and scummy, and you expected him to take it cheerfully?

  • Killmaster
    Killmaster Member Posts: 429
    edited January 2019

    @yeet said:
    can't say i feel bad for you when you sit there and antagonize someone, what do you expect OP?
    you're in the wrong here, not him

    Agreed, you incited him into saying those things and deserve the ban in his stead. As a real word example, if you call someone the N word and they punch you don't expect to run to the police and pretend you were minding your business and it came outta nowhere.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454
    edited January 2019

    @Detective_Jonathan said:

    So the story here is that this person was playing nurse on badham with 5 blinks, NOED and an ebony mori. She could barely land a blink and even when she did hit us she would lose us a second later. When the game was over i proceeded to say how toxic and sweaty that whole match was and he said that it was his "3rd time playing nurse" which i don't know to be true because his profile was private. This man then proceeded to go ballistic after we were telling him how bad he was for playing something he knew would not work. First off, you don't need 5 blinks to hit someone, that is your own fault for thinking that you can.

    So now i have to go and report this player after he has made it personal with me. Insulting me, telling me to commit suicide and even making fun of my sexuality saying very personal stuff which you can read in the screenshots. Now, i will say i showed one part of his name to prove that this wasn't me that said these things, and i copied the link to his profile and as soon as i finish up here will be writing the report.

    But i just want to say something, This community acts like babies fighting over a piece of candy. You have one side complaining about loops and getting gen-rushed, and you have another side getting mad because of players using toxic addons to either make the game faster or just because they can. There are no rules to this game no "tunneling", no "camping" none of it. Those are just terms made up terms by famous streamers who are survivor mains (You know who you are) something needs to be done about this. If you're wondering why i am writing this, it's because people like the guy who said these things to me are still in the game, and will continue to say these things unless it is not brought to the attention of this so called "Community". (because this damn place is like a prison ruled by prison guards who riot all the time)

    I also would like a mod to contact me on steam to let me know when action has been taken care of with this player. Because i don't even trust the people that wear the title of mod.

    So I guess just saying gg and have a good day would be too hard for you to say.

  • BeanieEnthusiast
    BeanieEnthusiast Member Posts: 213

    You're in the wrong for antagonising the killer in the first place.

  • scerckan
    scerckan Member Posts: 149
    so you need a safe space?
  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985
    Like has been stated, you did provoke him.

    OP: Antagonizes killer.

    Killer: Responds in like manner.

    *insert surprised pikachu meme here.*
  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    @Cetren said:
    Like has been stated, you did provoke him.

    OP: Antagonizes killer.

    Killer: Responds in like manner.

    insert surprised pikachu meme here.

    Here u go

  • Erdbeermilch
    Erdbeermilch Member Posts: 34

    The killer here really should have not been so toxic towards the threadcreator BUT why do you shame and blame the killer for being bad in the first place? I mean, nobody is perfect, everybody has bad rounds. To tell somebody how bad he/she was is a bad behaviour and causes further toxicity in the first place.

    So you should change your own attitude and this will probably positvitly affect other people and players around you.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Everyone who participated in that conversation should be banned, yourselves included.

  • PapaAndrei
    PapaAndrei Member Posts: 72
    Yeah OP here is the one deserving a ban I say. Im gonna guess if those chat logs got pulled up you and your buddies said much worse things.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    So the story here is that this person was playing nurse on badham with 5 blinks, NOED and an ebony mori. She could barely land a blink and even when she did hit us she would lose us a second later. When the game was over i proceeded to say how toxic and sweaty that whole match was and he said that it was his "3rd time playing nurse" which i don't know to be true because his profile was private. This man then proceeded to go ballistic after we were telling him how bad he was for playing something he knew would not work. First off, you don't need 5 blinks to hit someone, that is your own fault for thinking that you can.

    So now i have to go and report this player after he has made it personal with me. Insulting me, telling me to commit suicide and even making fun of my sexuality saying very personal stuff which you can read in the screenshots. Now, i will say i showed one part of his name to prove that this wasn't me that said these things, and i copied the link to his profile and as soon as i finish up here will be writing the report.

    But i just want to say something, This community acts like babies fighting over a piece of candy. You have one side complaining about loops and getting gen-rushed, and you have another side getting mad because of players using toxic addons to either make the game faster or just because they can. There are no rules to this game no "tunneling", no "camping" none of it. Those are just terms made up terms by famous streamers who are survivor mains (You know who you are) something needs to be done about this. If you're wondering why i am writing this, it's because people like the guy who said these things to me are still in the game, and will continue to say these things unless it is not brought to the attention of this so called "Community". (because this damn place is like a prison ruled by prison guards who riot all the time)

    I also would like a mod to contact me on steam to let me know when action has been taken care of with this player. Because i don't even trust the people that wear the title of mod.

    The fact that you didnt use bad words to attack that guy doesnt mean you are better than him. That's the "legal vacuum" in this kind of situations. The thing is this other guy who told you all that stuff is not afraid of showing who he truly is. You may have not used such big words but stop acting like you are on the right side because none of you are. If I was a developer I would ban both of you.
  • Unnamed_Freak
    Unnamed_Freak Member Posts: 570

    This is the most hypocritical bulllshit I have ever seen in this forum. You and your friends won the match, but instead of letting a gg you started to taunt the guy, making fun of him.

    And honest what did you expect? That he would take that cheerfully? This only sums up the toxicity on this game.

    You and your friends should get banned, as the guy only reacted to being humiliated.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    what did I read

  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850

    Everyone in this situation needs to give their head a shake.

    You instigated and showed that you're part of the reason the community is seen as toxic, they responded beyond poorly.

    Is this a new toxic tactic, bait people into returning the hate and then try getting them banned because you didn't like what addons they played? That's wild.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    I feel like everything that needs to be said has been said, but I'll throw my stone in the lake for good measure. What he said wasn't justified at all and he should be banned for it, but you aren't totally innocent either. You were toxic as well. There was no need for you to complain and taunt the killer, especially since you'd already won. You instigated and provoked them. That doesn't make what they said justified, but you're toxic as well.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @Detective_Jonathan said:
    When the game was over i proceeded to say how toxic and sweaty that whole match was ...

    So now i have to go and report this player after he has made it personal with me....

    But i just want to say something, This community acts like babies fighting over a piece of candy.

    I also would like a mod to contact me on steam to let me know when action has been taken care of with this player. Because i don't even trust the people that wear the title of mod.

    LULS... You made such a horrible post.

    One hand you complain about toxic players.... But you go right in after chat and chew out the killer for being a 5 blink nurse... Telling them how to play.... Calling them sweaty....

    AND THEN... You complain about them insulting you back and taking it personal...

    THEN... You have the nerve to call the community a bunch of babies crying over a piece of candy...

    AND THEN... You ask to be a mod... LULS

    So... Who is the toxic person?... The nurse who was just playing the game and maybe learning how to play nurse.... Or the ######### head survivors who started harassing the killer at the end because the nurse didn't play the game THEIR way?

    Which is it?... Cause you make yourself look really foolish with this post.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Detective_Jonathan said:

    So the story here is that this person was playing nurse on badham with 5 blinks, NOED and an ebony mori. She could barely land a blink and even when she did hit us she would lose us a second later. When the game was over i proceeded to say how toxic and sweaty that whole match was and he said that it was his "3rd time playing nurse" which i don't know to be true because his profile was private. This man then proceeded to go ballistic after we were telling him how bad he was for playing something he knew would not work. First off, you don't need 5 blinks to hit someone, that is your own fault for thinking that you can.

    So now i have to go and report this player after he has made it personal with me. Insulting me, telling me to commit suicide and even making fun of my sexuality saying very personal stuff which you can read in the screenshots. Now, i will say i showed one part of his name to prove that this wasn't me that said these things, and i copied the link to his profile and as soon as i finish up here will be writing the report.

    But i just want to say something, This community acts like babies fighting over a piece of candy. You have one side complaining about loops and getting gen-rushed, and you have another side getting mad because of players using toxic addons to either make the game faster or just because they can. There are no rules to this game no "tunneling", no "camping" none of it. Those are just terms made up terms by famous streamers who are survivor mains (You know who you are) something needs to be done about this. If you're wondering why i am writing this, it's because people like the guy who said these things to me are still in the game, and will continue to say these things unless it is not brought to the attention of this so called "Community". (because this damn place is like a prison ruled by prison guards who riot all the time)

    I also would like a mod to contact me on steam to let me know when action has been taken care of with this player. Because i don't even trust the people that wear the title of mod.

    When you only wanna punch, but cant take punchs......

  • krayziek
    krayziek Member Posts: 21

    What he said was PG for what I would have told you. Don't start ######### you can't handle. I'm a laid back person and tell everybody GG no matter how they play, but you say something "toxic" to me you best believe I will come back at you.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited January 2019

    TF did you antagonize them for?

    You started it, don't try to play victim. I am not giving the killer a free pass to say what they did, but you went out of your way to bug them. I don't care what they did, tunneled, camped, did as you said in your post here.

    "But what I said wasn't nearly as bad as what he said"
    They are probably sick of people like you.

    Nothing gives either of you the right.