Slowing Down Chapter Releases To Address Other Areas Of The Game


I know that BHVR has a very specific schedule that they go by, often releasing 4 Chapters per year, and while content like that is important, touching up on other areas to make the game overall more health does a lot more than anything new Chapter releases will do.

On some of the games Ive played over the years, they have released "health patches" where they slowdown their process of adding new content and focus specifically on revisiting older parts of the game and fine tuning them. I think DBD needs a health patch or help fix the older and more clunky parts of their game.

Im sure most people wont mind content being delayed if it leads to the game overall being better.


  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Problem is something like that will only result in more bugs. If the implementation of the Xeno DLC (I think, might've been a different DLC) allowed Wesker to go invisible, anything could happen if they address a lot of issues at once. Spaghetti coding in what's nearly 2024 should never exist and there's nothing they can do really. It's unbelievable. Instead of the constant bug fixes, their attention could've been directed elsewhere had it not been for that.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,218

    My only concern is the fact BHVR is still a business and needs to have the income to justify putting those off, and I'm not 100% sure they consider cosmetic sales enough to justify it.

    That said, this game desperately needs it at this point. There's no reason old bugs should be popping back up.