I think Trickster is in the good spot now except two garbage addons


I don't play him a lot, but after last changes i feel like Trickster is not bad. I actually started want to play him now, because I used to hate play him when he was 4.4. I still think ricochet blades should be basekit (with only one bounce), because this addon is pure skill based and almost without any value to bad player.

But this two addons should be something different, they are literally useless and don't even worth to be brown addons. Soda was his one of the best addons and it's another example of how delusional bhvr with addon reworks sometimes.


  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 3,929

    Short question, but is the wiki wrong or is the value of green addon actually lower than the one of the yellow addon?

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 5,946

    Current Trickster is basically a pre-5.1.0 Trickster except he's 4.6 m/s, has a better main event, and is more enjoyable on console due to the removal of recoil, and I love it.

    However I still think while fun to play, he's still a less interesting (and maybe stronger?) Huntress. What I would do is make ricochet base-kit and show the aura of where a ricochet would bounce towards for in order to make ricochet more interesting and allow for crazier plays in loops.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,171
    edited December 2023

    Yea these addons make no sense

    Combo "increases" duration of main event

    but these addons are both confusing and outclassed because no matter what method they increase by they don't even increase more than the other addons and require a lot more effort to use

    They either make it easier to extend the duration by 3s or reward you by extended it slightly longer when you do extend it 3.3s / 3.45s max respectively

    But you have addons that just do both better

    Frayed wires / Tequila Moonrock for 1.5s duration and 3s duration with no input required

    Waiting for you watch / Lucky blade for 0.3s and 0.4s extra duration per blade landed in main event

    Both of these sets of addons are just outright completely better, if you need to land 8 blades in a row for 3.3s and 3.45s bonus duration why not just add a flat 2.4s or 3.2s on top of that instead by just using one of the other addons and still get the 3s bonus anyway.

    Or if they make it so you have to land less blades in a row to get that 3s bonus why not just have a flat bonus instead so you don't need to worry about accuracy or the small periods where you can't hit a survivor to extend the duration instead. (on top of still getting the bonus anyway with enough skill)

    Either way these addons make no sense and even if they did work either way they are worthless because they either SLIGHTLY increase a reward for skill but less than other addons or make it less skillful for the same reward that you could just mitigate entirely by using other addons for the same or bigger rewards

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,164

    I may say pre-5.1.0 Trickster almost had no Main Event, this is how inconsistent and useless it was. He also was one of the worst killer at these days. Current Trickster has Main Event way deeper in his kit and has many good addons he could use for it. It's a really big change, same as 4.6, so he is not even close to pre-5.1.0, i don't see a reason to compare these versions.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 5,946
    edited December 2023

    When focusing on his base-kit they are very similar aside from the differences I listed in the comment you replied to, including Main Event. His add-ons are undoubtedly better currently, and Main Event was barely usable in the past.

    Aside from that I'm just happy they brought Trickster back to his roots and corrected the problems of pre-5.1.0 Trickster rather than making him even more boring to go against in his 5.1.0 variant where downs were ridiculously quick and he had virtually no 1v4. 8 laceration points to injure/down, just like pre-5.1.0, gives survivors more reaction time and 4.6 m/s gives him better 1v4 than before.