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Who actually likes the trickster buffs?

I for one have always and proabably always will hate trickster. He is top 3 least favourite killers to go against. So when I heard about changes that would make him more fun to play as and against. After eading the changes I realized this was only people who play trickster as his power is now ridiculusly annoying and strong. I also don't think his mains are happy about it either reminds me about Sadako. Now if they change him back he will probably be nerfed to the ground almost as bad as pig. Interested to hear opinions on this particularly from his mains.

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  • Member Posts: 1,158

    To play as, he's def better than before the changes were made (cause in the middle he was actually worse).

    But yeah, hes as much of a pain as before as Survivor, hes a tricky killer to fix in that regard.

  • Member Posts: 8,846
  • Member Posts: 1,158

    couple of times yeah, he feels considerably better than before.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    I was always one of those Trickster players that loved the way he was in initial release. The recoil was awful and Main Event was borderline useless, but I loved the amount of Blades he had and the fact Survivors needed to loop every tile slightly differently in order to withstand the barrage he rained upon them.

    Then they changed him to reduce his amount of Blades but increased number values for Main Event and damage output.

    Now they have made his Main Event very spam-able, but all of the thrill of seeing Survivors duck and weave is gone because the recoil is gone too, so Survivors now drop very quickly in loops that they could have used for at least 5 or so seconds longer if they didn't dodge and weave enough. On top of that, it almost feels like you aren't encouraged to actually use his power much either. The low amount of Blades and the slow throw rate almost make it seem like the Devs want Survivors to be able to drag you to strong(ish) tiles and eat a Basic before the blades come out, which is contrary to what all Trickster players have ingrained into their muscle memory. Before we would always "spam" until the first hit and then try to close the distance with a Basic or keep spamming if need be.

    Ultimately it feels like they removed all style and flexing with Trickster. It isn't worth trying to hit sly shots through gaps because you run out of Blades a lot by doing so, and the Laceration timer goes away so quickly that the only add-ons worth using are Laceration time extension. Which, surprise surprise, makes it so trying to use ricochet or piercing Blades, the add-ons that drastically alter the Trickster experience, are not gonna be seen or desired anymore.

    Very disappointed by the way they have essentially gutted him. The Devs speak like they understand what Trickster players want but then you realise they think we just want quick damage with little effort via throw speed. And then after seeing how god awful of an experience that is as Survivor they change him to make him throw slower but Main Event be slightly more threatening. No, what Trickster players want is to know we can try to throw Blades in multiple different ways in a chase without fear of being crippled by missing one too many due to running out of Blades or Laceration decaying. If Trickster had 99 Blades, Survivors needed 8 Blades to be damaged and Laceration started to decay after 15 seconds of no Blades hitting them at 1 Blade every 2 seconds (so it would take 28 seconds at most of them not being hit by a Blade in order for Laceration expire), Then they could even make it where being healed accelerates Laceration decay too in order to add more depth to chase manipulation on the Survivor side, I would see that and think "yeah, this is a fun Trickster. Maintaining strength but also not feeling like he is gonna get you at every tile and there isn't a damn thing you can do aside from maybe avoid a couple of the Blades by crouching and hesitating your rotation.

    This is a very long rant lol and I apologise for that @Vanishlord

    I might make a post detailing my dream Trickster, but we'll see if I get around to it, since the Devs probably are done touching Trickster for a good few years now. This is most likely how our K-Pop star will remain sadly

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    After 7.4.2 i am actually very happy with the trickster changes.

    He finally feels like a threat and his past frustrations are gone.

    I got into the game because of the all-kill chapter but always found trickster to be too weak and frustrating but now he finally feels like a competent killer.

    From playing as him i don't think he's too strong. Some survivors are definitely better at playing against him than others.

    His add-ons could use some improvements but i think for the most part, at this point in time, he doesn't need any changes.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    Did you play trickster after 7.4.2? They buffed him majorly. Increased throw rate to 3.33 from 3, laceration decay reverted to 15 from 10, main event throw rate doubled and duration increased by 1 second. They also buffed memento blades add-on in 7.4.1. It now increases your throw rate by 10% it's really good.

    I did think that 7.4.0 trickster was awful but right now i really like playing as him.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    Also i forgot to mention. I haven't played against this new trickster because i am not getting matched against him.

  • Member Posts: 618

    They buffed his base throw speed to just under what it was with Memento Blades previously, so now his throw speed with them is 0.27. PTB Trickster was 0.25. They also reverted the laceration changes.

    PTB Trickster was broken (mostly an add-on issue), live was massively underwhelming, but current is overall a massive improvement.

  • Member Posts: 555

    Very lucky. I have sworn never to main him until he gets changed as to not to ruin the game for other survivors. I feel bad for his old mains though as they have had their favourite killer ruined.

    No problem I enjoy a good rant myself and going on rants.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    @Raconteurminator My issue with Trickster, ever since the first tweaks and that carries over into current Trickster's state of play, is that the Devs saw Survivors issue vs him and thought "He needs to have less Blades" the throw speed is the issue imo. It's like I touched on in my rant, it's almost like Survivors have less input in the chases vs Trickster now. If they do manage to avoid his Blades (which good players will learn to do or are already doing) then they get about 5-10 seconds longer in a chase. When imo they should have more stuff available to them in order to hold their own against the onslaught of Blades. Getting the balance between Trickster being able to be a huge threat in chase while Survivors knowing there are things they can do to manipulate a chase on their end too, outside of the simple: wiggle side to side, hesitation at corners and gaps, crouching at small tiles every step or so etc. I'm aware my gripe with Trickster is a heavy bias from my vision of what the killer could be, but I also think that the point that Trickster has been gutted from the standpoint of "they traded his fun uniqueness for a Basic version of 1v1 strength" still holds merit.

    @OrangeBear nah I haven't, I played the previous iteration and was actually unaware of Trickster adjustments this patch. I'll play as him and see if that changes anything about what I think about him from the as and vs perspective. Just for my own state of mind in this conversation, what is your build for Trickster, mine centre around detection and minimising time wastes with reloads and rotating pressure (Knock Out, Iron Maiden, Ultimate Weapon and Darkness Revealed atm)

    @Vanishlord fair enough lol Trickster was definitely one of those chapters that really kept me drawn to dbd, so seeing all the different things that have happened to him makes it hard for me not to wish for bigger and better things with him lol

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    Most trickster mains are also happy with where he is now. (7.4.2, make sure you are reading feedback after December 12th)

    7.4.0 was bad because throw rate was so low to the point survivors were disrespecting your power frequently.

    Laceration decay back to 10 was also bad because it meant long ranged hits weren't being rewarded

    Main event felt pretty underwhelming.

    All of this has been addressed with 7.4.2.

    The only two real nerfs trickster received comparing 7.3.2 and 7.4.2 are 2 extra laceration hits and 32 meter terror radius.

    There will be people that don't think the trade off was worth but i would be surprised if these people are not the minority.

    Recoil was not fun, being 4.4m/s at high walls was not fun. Getting main event 0-2 times a game was not fun.

    I personally don't miss old trickster at all.

    I also doubt he is that bad to play against anymore. He runs out ammo faster than ever. 32 meter terror radius and still with a 40 meter lullaby. Plenty of survivors are still escaping me too. His power is only a chase tool. No mobility, no map pressure etc. There's plenty of worse killers. I actually think huntress is worse just because they can injure you from extremely far away and the hitbox regularly feels unfair.

    I don't think he should or will get changed anytime soon.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    I use Corrupt Intervention, Pain res, Agitation, Dead Man's Switch. The add-ons i use most, the ones i think are the best. Memento Blades and Waiting for You Watch. But i use a lot of add-ons. Caged Heart Shoes, Diamond Cufflinks, Bloody Boa, Melodious Murder, Trick Blades. I think the only ones that are not worth using ever are the ones that increase the combo duration. There's no point of Running these over Tequila Moonrock because it effectively does the same thing but better.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    @OrangeBear would I be surprised to see that the desire to use variety has returned to his add-on selection when playing as Trickster this patch? Because in the previous one I definitely only saw value in using Laceration decay delay.

  • Member Posts: 618

    I'll be the first to admit that oftentimes I'll focus far too much on the positives of something at the risk of ignoring the negatives, so I'm not exactly bias-free myself. I certainly do understand your point, though.

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