Is it me or the info for tracking survivors is in a pretty bad state right now?

Malkhrim Member Posts: 1,029

Sound is right now something you simply can't trust too much. There are times you here a survivor right beside you but when you look they are pretty far away, sometimes a survivor runs right past you and you can't hear the footsteps, sometimes an injured survivor stops making any sound whatsoever simply because they reached behind a bush or the tip of a wall... and sometimes you can hear them perfectly behind a huge wall. Similar things happen to generator sounds sometimes. The devs said on the latest Reddit AMA that a fix for the sound injured survivors make is in the works, but I don't remember them having mentioned a fix for other sounds, like footsteps from healthy survivors and generators.

To make things worse... is it me or scratch marks are more confusing now too? It's been a while I have been noticing they behave weirdly sometimes: take longer than usual to appear, have gaps without marks where a survivor just ran by, spread too much around, sometimes appearing through passages a survivor didn't take, once I even saw some appear in FRONT of a survivor were, beside a loop they were behind, but in a place they clearly hadn't run through. But this week they seem worse than usual: I've played a good amount of games today and on wednesday too, right before the event started. On many of my matches on the first day, I've noticed there were multiple times I've reached a gen that was just partially fixed, no scratchmarks around, and suddenly, when I was approaching there for a few seconds already, the scratchmarks of the survivor who was there suddenly appeared before my eyes. It absolutely should NOT take so long for scratch marks to appear, but that happened quite often on wednesday. I get that latency can influence it, but I don't think I've ever seen it happen so much in a single day before. Today they are often taking some time to appear too, and threw me off during chase a couple of times.

Currently, scratch marks seem harder than usual to see in certain surfaces too.

Just to make it clear, this issues don't make survivors impossible to track or anything like that, but their inconsistency is quite misleading and confusing, and can throw the killer off sometimes for not providing the correct information.


  • robrob909
    robrob909 Member Posts: 79

    Not at all with filters and birds

  • dbd900bach
    dbd900bach Member Posts: 768

    Sometimes I get pretty confused on a survivors position when chasing, but most of the time I can usually track them across the map.

    In terms of sound, I often can find a survivor simply by listening for their breathing uninjured though there are times when it's proved rather unreliable in chases.