Killer winstreaks



  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    So the playstyle is too good? Shouldn't every killer just tunnel/slug every game to win and doesn't that mean with other playstyles you handicap yourself? It's kinda surpricing that tunneling is not more common how superior it is?

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    thing is, that is what many solo survivors experience anyway, and thats where their concern about balance in this game comes from.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    You need to keep in mind that survivor win streaks take a lot longer than killer win streaks, because for one you need to have all 4 players available and the gameplay is way more boring because for the most part you are only holding m1 on a generator and matchmaking being how it is the majority of killers those guys face are still way below their own skill making those games quite boring for them... So if they play like once a week for like 3-4 hours with like 4-5 games an hour at most they get max 20 games a week, therefore they take like 10 weeks to reach 200 wins in a row, I think this is basically what Hens and his friends are doing... Knightlight basically did 10 nurse games a day for his streak, which alone shows you why his streak went way faster... And you are expecting a streak with that high of a number to be this new? Come on man, those guys would have been doing this for many months to go up to like 1600 wins in a row or what not... Besides the point where they limit themselves when it comes to perks and items...

    Hens and his friends are currently doing a win streak again, I think they are around 170 wins in a row? But like I said before they are only doing this like once a week at most, maybe once every two weeks? I don't know exactly... So for their streak to go this far up will just take time...

  • pale_hispanic
    pale_hispanic Member Posts: 149

    The reason why survivor team win streaks are harder to pull off is because they require 4 people to be playing to perfection at all times. Killers only have to rely on themselves.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    That’s not how the MMR works. The bar for being at high MMR is low. The top percent of players are playing with people far below that.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,700

    It's a soft cap though, isn't it? Which means that although the matchmaking range would be widened, it would still prioritise players of higher skill level and thus increase the chances of encountering a high level survivor team.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Yes. That would be true. Choosing not to tunnel and slug is a handicap to yourself, but if you have any care at all about player experience, you won’t play that way because it’s miserable to be the victim of.

    I am aware.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,348

    They sure show a whole lot about matchmaking that's for sure.

    Not saying that to devalue the skill involved, the skill is exactly why it's even possible. They're at the point where they can make the overwhelming majority of softcap inhabitants fold like wet paper, and every single player in that set is their matchmaking pool. There's an absolutely enormous skill variety all in the same pool.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I mean BHVR basically asked the community what would be an acceptable time to wait for a match and apparently they just went with the results, so we really cannot blame them much for, if that is what the community wanted.

    Can you really call Nurse and Blight op if in a tournament setting where those guys play who mastered those killers they can get beaten?

    I don't really think the streaks really change much... Whether people do a streak or not does not really change how they play, people that do streaks tend to try to win when they play, whether or not they are on a streak and do you seriously believe people would have a higher chance to win against knightlight or V1 if they played other stuff? Knightlight literally plays without perks or addons, he still wins 99% of his games on every other killer despite ridiculous meme builds being requested. It does not matter if he does a streak or not he willstill win most games with ease so the players at which cost it comes still suffer the same result streak or no streak.

    You just overestimate how many people are playing this game with the amount of hours and experience those streamers have... There are just not that many players and people cannot be asked to wait for 30 min... The streamers are free advertisement for BHVR and if they could never find games that would be almost a death sentence for the game, because how many people sit around in a stream where nothing happens for half an hour?

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,088

    It's a win streak for the killer. The killer is fixed and has a 100% chance to be in that match (from their own perspective). There isn't a 'chance' on the killer roll when it's the killer queueing up.

    The only variable here is the opponent.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    But isn't that the devs job to do player experience better not killers? What about killer experience if you play fair survivors will play hard and punish you. Gen rush and bodyblock etc which really is miserable experience when you handicapped yourself. That what is usually forgotten killer is player too and just want to win or have good time.

    Here's another argument I heard we are killers not survivor friends and killers don't play fair but kill mercilessly. Many take roleplaying seriously and want to get really into the character so choose to play as hard they can some even enjoy it when survivors has bad experience. So relying on killers playing fair is not what should be done and how game should be balanced...

    Anyway I think devs should do something about tunneling maybe bring old ds stun back with longer timer 60s is quite short. Then give killers boost they need and some incentives to play more fair way. For now it's like killers responsibility to play fair to offer survivors good experience. Yeah it's boring to tunnel and tunnel but unfortunately it remains best way to win.

    So im gonna keep using it when I want to win and play only fair after some wins as it's ok to me get then bullied and have bad games. So I take account player experience I deserve some good games and give survivors some good games. But it might be mistake as if we killers did tunnel every game maybe it actually would be considered problem and fixed.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    So at what point did the devs say you must do X or Y? Players surprisingly have agency in the trial. If you play "fair" (completely subjective) your making a conscious choice and should know the risk of doing so. Survivors run a similar risk in that the killer may punish survivors for playing "fair", in this case doing things other than gens. Both sides of one coin, its up to the players to play how they want and hope they have some empathy. Think of it this way, the devs are making a playground and us children can do whatever in said playground till they see us making some kinda problem which they then need to fix so it dont happen again. How successful they are doing that we can all debate all day. Theres a point where the players are to blame and if people keep complaining, the devs are going to end up railroad how everyone plays.

    Having a good time is abit subjective but normally for one side to win, the other has to lose.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,603

    There is MMR loss prevention after a certain point. I don't think they can meaningfully tank their MMR. Not enough hours in the day given how much they play. The placebo effect is a powerful thing

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,945

    This is exactly what i'm talking about. Right now, the game is balanced in a way that at the "average" level, black (the killer) wins 80% of the time. And at the highest level white (the survivors) win 80% of the time.

    Not really a good time all around.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187

    Not for the opponents. They still get also matched with other killer and aren't even available for idealized 95% of the time.

    It doesn't matter for statistics if you only look from the perspective of the one killer when the other side have more options.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187

    Do we know how hard it is to reach this softcap? Is it a situation similar to red ranks? How much can the skilled people go above it? How wide is the matchmaking parameter to include the bulk at the soft cap to shorten queue times for the top percent?

    I would argue that the softcap makes this issue even worse because we don't know how far the top percent can even get above it and how wide the algorithm picks from and how it matches them.

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 512

    Killers that go on these winstreaks all hard tunnel. Its clear there's not enough tunnel protection in the game.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 1,061

    I'm not sure asking the community what an acceptable wait time for a match is is the way to go, but regardless, the more extreme wait times expected under a stricter matchmaking would mostly only apply at the extreme ranges, and affect relatively few players as a result. And like I said, they could even stricten the matchmaking only at the upper brackets, with it getting more and more strict the higher the MMR is. Certainly people that have won hundreds of matches in a row are few and far between, and deserve to have a matchmaker that first searches for strict matches for 10 or so minutes before it decides to feed them their next victims that will end up just another number on their streak counter.

    Nurse and Blight absolutely are OP, they win consistently even in the tournament setting where you have teams of survivors that practice together constantly, have call-out systems and coordinated strategies and so on. Survivors have restrictions, but as do killers, comparable in severity. Blight has a whole arsenal of busted add-ons that he doesn't have access to, and yet for good tournament Blights the expectation is still a 4k, the deciding factor of who wins usually being how many gens are left standing at that point. And the base balance that we measure these killers by (and that is also the infinitely more common scenario in the game's actual mode) is one where survivors don't even have communication, let alone being a coordinated team. It's actually insane that these killers can beat the best players unified within the best teams, with years of competitive experience and honed coordination and communication. No wonder they then go beat up hundreds and thousands of random groups in a row without it often even being a challenge.

    It is true that they can go on long streaks or have ridiculously high winrates with just about any killer. And although I expect they would struggle to get 1600+ with any killer but Blight or 500+ perk/add-onless with any but Nurse - because these killers are still far and away above the rest, apart from maybe Spirit -, that is precisely why the other major issue is matchmaking. Any sufficiently competent killer player in this game (so not only some of the best that compete in tournaments like Knightlight or V1, but really any experienced killer player that is at least decently skilled) can get winrates that even some of the best players in a game like Starcraft can only dream of (on the game's own matchmaking), and those players are worlds better at SC than even the best DbD players are at DbD.

    Like I said, the crossplay off scene when it was active had enough players for fast queues and matches filled with skill and experience. Maybe you overestimate how many players it takes at this level to match them among one another. And if they don't get matchmaked away to the next random 500-hour Meg in the first minute of their queue, they will also find each other more quickly. Plus, the streamers that actually go for ridiculous streaks like that aren't all too common, and they aren't all too popular or integral to the game's popularity either, at all. The game could absolutely survive (on twitch and otherwise) if someone that sets out to win hundreds of times in a row had to wait a relatively long time in matchmaking after a certain number of wins. And it's not like they couldn't alternate matchmaking specifics either, such as loosening things for players if they have had strict matches for the last 5 queues, or whatever. There's absolutely room and possibility to stricten matchmaking to a point where streaks like this aren't as feasible, without affecting things too much outside of the relatively small pools of high MMR players (talking about players well above the "soft" cap of course - that cap is precisely one of the major issues with the matchmaking).

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Considering the perk item and addon restrictions on survivor side I would say killer gets less restricted in a tournament setting, if we don't count the addons that should not exist like c33 and alc ring.

    The issue is not winstreaks, those players win the vast majority of their game regardless, as it is their job to play dbd and stream it they are very experienced... So all of those players would have way too long queue times to be still worth the wait for quite a lot of players.

    I don't think Nurse or Blight are op, just some addons on Blight are busted... However I would say that there are just too few killers that enable the player to win in a comp setting... Because most of them are just not good or consistent enough, at the same time many killers also don't have the depth or skill ceiling to enable plays that can catch comp survivors off guard... I would want more killers that enable the player to win if he is good enough or lose if the other side is better... But as it one half of the killers is worthless against comp survivors a handful can win rather consistently and maybe like 4-5 are in that parameter of strength were it can go both ways... However the major issue will always be matchmaking... On an average level you can totally run a nurse long enough to get gens done, but you cannot do that against players much better than yourself.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,088

    You're answering the wrong question. You're asking 'If we choose the killer and survivor teams at random, what are the odds we get a top 1% team on each side?'

    That's not the question I'm responding to, nor is it relevant to a killer win streak conversation. We're looking at 'what are the odds a top 1% killer gets a top 1% survivor SWF when the killer queues up?'

    Again, these are killer win streaks, so it *only* matters if that exact killer player is in the game. A match with any other killer player doesn't count against their streak and, for the purposes of this conversation, we don't care about that game. It doesn't count against my win streak if you lose, for example.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187

    But those swf aren't always available, because of time of day or whatever and even moreso because 4 people have to be playing together at the exact time your specific killer is looking for a lobby and be in queue.

    Either you neglect these factors and I would call the result you come out with heavily flawed or you include them and come to a drastically different conclusion.

    And that comes after all the simplifications I made for my explanation.

    But I am done with this discussion. You don't have to accept what I am telling you and I am no longer in the mood to entertain you, explaining the same thing thrice.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    It would make sense. If you're playing one killer for a thousand games in row, then you get a lot more practice on that killer than a survivor group that plays a thousand matches in a row will against that killer. They play against 34 different killers after all.

    Also, killers have a bit more room for different strategies. So you'll find people that play the same killer in completely different ways sometimes. If the survivors don't know / expect that, then it's likely the killer will have an advantage.

    So, I'd say that killers have an easier time mastering a killer, then the survivors have mastering the counter play.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Tunneling is not problem neccesarily but it's viability is. It's too superior to other stragedies and very simple. So there is no reason to choose other options than being nice or wanting to show skill expression. Focusing on 2 survivors is maybe only reasonable one but why even do that? Empathy is my weakness I would probably tunnel every game without it and take my wins. It's playground with one good toy to choose...

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 1,061

    It's debatable, the strongest killers (i. e. those that should be compared to the strongest loadouts survivors can bring) have a plethora of restrictions. And again, I hold that survivors actually gain a world more from the competitive setting, because the killer is just that same one player they are in any setting, whereas the survivors get to be a 4-player team that practices together constantly, has communication and coordination.

    From the base balance perspective, Nurse and Blight are pretty abhorrently OP, which is the perspective of a group of survivors that don't know each other, and therefore have no coordination (of loadouts, strategies, tactics), nor communication. Again, this is the base assumption of the game, and it is infinitely more often the case in the game's actual game mode than the scenario of a seasoned 4-player SWF on comms. I think A tier killers are barely balanced under that base assumption, and a fair few B tier killers also get to be A tier with certain add-ons.

    As for whether there should be more killers that can consistently win in a tournament environment against actual survivor teams... Well, while I do think a couple more S-tier killers would be neat to have for that environment, it has to be noted that first of all, killer vs. survivor balance does not really matter in competitive formats because both teams play both sides, there is an inherent competitive balance established in that format, a team can win even if their killer only gets 5 stages, simply because the other team's killer may have only gotten 4. Secondly, in these competitive environments, balance rules can make the lesser half of the killers more viable, with map picks, perk and item limitations. Thirdly, and it may surprise you, but most killers perform well in the comp setting. Sure, not many of them consistently 4k like Blight and Nurse can, but many of them are perfectly competitive, 3/4ks not being uncommon, averaging around 2.X, skill still making a huge difference in how well the respective killer players perform. And finally, this of course does not matter at all for the game mode that 99.9% of players are actually playing, which is just public matches, in which those consisting of highly skilled 4-player SWFs on comms facing off against highly skilled killers constitute 0.X% of all matches, if that.

    I don't think the queue times would get very bad unless they go for extreme streaks like that. I mean, one simple change would be to just extend the period within which the matchmaker searches for an accurate MMR match by 1 minute for every, say, 300MMR beyond the soft cap. So say the soft cap is 2000, and at that cap the matchmaker will look for other players around the 2000 mark for 2 minutes before it widens the range. Now at 2300MMR it would take 3 minutes before it widens the range, 4 at 2600, and so on. At the upper end of MMR queue times would still just be around 5 minutes, and only of course if it doesn't actually find other players of that rating in that time. And again, these players not being matchmaked away after one minute with 500-hour Megs that happen to be at the soft cap also increases the possibility of even matching them with others at their MMR range that may be in queue wait time. It also has to be noted that with a stricter matchmaking, the MMR of these players would never even reach too ridiculous heights, they wouldn't be expected to have as high winrates anymore or let alone go on winstreaks of hundreds of matches. The reason Dowsey for instance had hours-long queues is simply that BHVR had had the MMR rating system active in the background for weeks or months prior to actually basing the matchmaking on it, meaning he racked up wins without actually facing higher-rated players that themselves are also winning. He would have simply lost his streak earlier and his MMR would not have been inflated astronomically. And also, the amount of players at these extreme upper MMR ranges also is and will be fairly low, so the increased queue times won't affect many players. And I really doubt most of the really popular streamers and content creators will be up there, they just don't play hard enough, and often also aren't as good as those tournament players.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I don't agree with the assumption, I think basekit Blight is a pretty balanced killer, basically same for Nurse without addons. I don't think the baseline of players should be 4 Solos without coordination... Like sure not everyone is a 4 men, but you can still do pretty well if everyone is a good player.

    Sure both teams play both sides, but a game becomes more interesting if the outcome is not guaranteed... And if I watch Freddy vs Team Elysium I might fall asleep faster than the survivors in this match... Jokes aside I think comp is interesting because games that are not guaranteed to end one way or the other, therefore such killers would greatfly benefit it.

    Sure it does not necessarily matter for public matches, but a well designed killer is one that is strong across the board and offers enough to learn and master to make a difference between beginner, intermediate and comp players when using the power. And with the more basic killers we don't really have this distinction from a certain level onwards.

    Even if you increase the queue times that way in the end you will still mostly put together fairly inexperienced players against those hundreds of wins-streak players... All you do is give them less matches in the time, because the amount of good players does not suddenly increase. And on the side note, I do think that certain players should get that many wins in a row, just because the opposing side is that much worse... Sure in a perfect world they would only match against other comp players and what not... But that is just not what is happening. And I simply don't believe that there are enough different groups of players that are as skilled as those 10 k hours players... I think there are really few players with that amount of hours and skill.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    The point he (the one of us who typed that) was more "it's not the devs job when it's the players fault" kinda deal than strictly just tunneling. But we'll follow this to.

    Tunneling will always be viable, it's a given when one side needs to eliminate the other in an asymmetrical game. That said it only works if you can actually catch them and in a timely manner. We've seen people try and tunnel survivors who are much better than them and they loose. Badly at that as smart ones will glue themselves to gens (maybe take a hit to buy time) causing them to "gen tunnel" as people like to call it now.

    We (or I in this situation) want to say this: The playground has more than 1 good toy, it's just people seem to have the same favorite.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 1,061

    Basekit would be more arguable indeed. Blight without anything probably is A tier, the lack of speed particularly would be notable. Nurse without add-ons is still S tier though.

    The baseline balance is 4 solos, of course still with the assumption that they are all equally as skilled, experienced and "sweaty" as the killer. That is just the base game design perspective for balance, I do think that build coordination and voice communication does break that balance for many killers. But in the actual game mode, solos make for around 50% of all players, 90+% of lobbies will be some mix of solos and duos, and that again of course does not mean there are voice communications in play either.

    I agree on your point about Freddy vs. Elysium. While my prior point still stands that the difference between one Freddy getting 5 stages vs. the other one only getting 4 can still be what there is to play for and this still being engaging and dependent on skill, more powerful killers that actually can more reliably turn the tides of the entire match are more impressive and engaging to watch.

    I think killers like Blight and Nurse are simply so egregiously powerful that they can be considered a game design flaw. In any other game, winstreaks of thousands of matches would be pretty scandalous. But I personally don't meet the best of players using these killers often either (although I have played against KL's Nurse multiple times, it's still just a handful in thousands of matches), I don't think more S tier killers like this would kill the game (for me or in general), particularly if they're difficult to master, like Blight. Even many of the good Blights I meet I can handle fairly well, as long as they are not using some of the oppressively broken add-ons (mostly Vial or C33), because there is still quite a big difference between a good Blight and the best Blights. But with a stricter matchmaking - which is desirable for many more reasons - of course I would be likely to meet them much more often.

    I do think there are enough players, particularly because it isn't just these 10k hour tournament killers that are winning most of their matches, it's most of any decently experienced and skilled killer. Even those that are really rather mediocrely skilled and lament how painfully overpowered survivors are win decidedly more often than not. I guarantee those people could get paired with players that actually make them average out to a 50-60% killrate, instead of the 80-90% they have now. At the very least, BHVR could try to make things more strict, see how it pans out. They have already made things a little more strict recently, which I for one appreciate. But anyway, it has long been clear that they make decisions based on whatever internal processes and opinions they have, based in turn on whatever indicators, motivations, intentions, convictions... Maybe they have simply come to the conclusion that people actually need to be able to win 90+% of their matches to keep playing past a thousand hours or two, and that the people losing out on the receiving end of this aren't actually quitting over it. Personally I just find it extremely boring that good killers (and good 4-SWFs) barely ever get challenged in pubs, can win hundreds of matches in a row. I had to stop watching most of any killer streamer that only plays pubs, it's just mindless.

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    You are correct about a lot of these streaks boiling down to the average survivor players are just not so good but playing a blight streak for example and getting this high undeniably requires a lot of skill to pull off, even if you bring strong stuff. I have seen these blights play and they are undoubtedly extremely good. You do not get 1600 wins in a row without at least being good at the killer.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I don't think the baseline should be 4 solos, because swf and comms are obviously a thing and the game should adapt to that by bridging this gap in information between those groups, otherwise you cannot really balance around a group of players because you will always have a second more powerfull one that does not get value of half the perks, because they only benefit solo players. And in that scenario I don't think Nurse or Blight are brokenly overpowered but can be beaten.

    Like I said many times before, I don't think winstreaks that high exist because the killers are broken, I think it only exists because the matchmaking does not work properly and the killer is strong enough to stand against players that are way worse in pretty oppressing way.

    Yeah sure, those addons are busted and need to get reworked.

    I don't think there are enough players for that, but we can only guess, unless BHVR gives us some stats.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    There is one big flaw with your argument. Top teams that all have the same goal and very high skill also go for survivor win streaks. But they wont reach those insane numbers like killer mains, by a long shot.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    We both know, that there are very few extremes on either side. Solo survivors don't encounter comp Nurses in every game and killers don't go against seal team six SWFs regularly either.

    It's also likely that many players that assume they are in high MMR are wrong about this. So naturally they would be under a false impression of the people they play against.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited December 2023

    Of course those people are good. But good players will face other good players. Maybe not every match, but countless times in 1600 games.

    Magnus Carlsen, the best chess player right now and often called one if not the best of all time has a personal record of 6 won competetive games in a row. Six.

    Or starcraft, even the very best are still loosing games against players in the top 5% range. It is totally normal to loose even as the best player. Unless the game is wildly unballanced.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    They won't, how do you know? If your whole premise is based on that being fact then it better be fact.

    Even so, I already stated that "You can't use the extremes as a comparable example to the baseline." Why would you go to that as your counter point?

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Realistically if matchmaking was working and reliably putting you against equally skilled players, then no, it's should be almost impossible to have winstreaks of even 30+ let alone the 100+ that some people boast.

    If you're always bringing the absolute strongest addons and map offerings and sweating every game, that's obviously going to give you an edge, but then you'd just go up in MMR so you were going against survivors who are doing the same thing.

    You'd have to literally be among the BEST players in the entire game, so that the matchmaker simply couldn't find players of your skill level to put you against.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I know because of records. The world record in "modern DBD time" is at slightly above 200, done by Oracle if i am not mistaken. And their restriction were not nealy as harsh as the killer restrictions (for example it as okay if one survivor died per round in their streak).

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Ok great so when you pit the upper echelons of DBD against each other there is a killer bias in outcome. Which is good because for survivor play to be even the remotely bit interesting the team has to face off against a tangible antagonist.

    Weak antagonists make bad horror. When looking at the very tip of the (assumed) bell curve for "player skill" we get an expected bias that's appropriate for the theme.

    But we are still only looking at the very tip of the bell curve which is a poor representation for basic game balance.

    For the second time - "You can't use the extremes as a comparable example to the baseline." Why would you go to that as your counter point?"

    In fact I'm sure if you took a large enough sample of games you probably wouldn't get a bell curve you'd get humps and dips at the points where people place up and down in MMR skewing their outcome.

    If the point being made is look at the top tier player win streaks on killer - I say yeah I'd expect top tear players to be able to pull off win streaks compared to the average gamer and a lot of those games are against teams of average gamers.

    The you say well compare it to the win streaks for the top tiered survivor teams and yeah they do well, really well. But there is enough of a thematically appropriate killer bias that even a top tier team can struggle with team dynamics and create an interesting and exciting survivor experience.

    What's the issue here? "It's not fair" ? well boo hoo its not meant to be fair and that's a good thing, its why there are 4 survivors and 1 killer that's not fair either but the killer is threatening enough to create an engaging game for the survivors as it should be.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229
  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,882

    Keep in mind that in order to do a SWF winstreak, everyone has to log on. It's way easier to organize 1 person logging on for a killer streak than 4 ppl doing a survivor streak. Those super long streaks are counting anytime someone decides to play towards it for SEVERAL days. It's easier for 1 person to play alone for 500 matches than getting the same 4 ppl to play together for 200.

    As for solo Q streaks/NON-4 man SWFs... you get 1 teammate who suicide 1 minute into match because they hate XYZ killer and you're basically guaranteed to lose.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    If you have something to contribute then by all means you are welcome to contribute, its a discussion forum after all.

    This isn't the first time you've posted something like this to one of my conversations with someone else, but the snide targeting of another poster for whatever reason is just on the nose. Have a think about it.

  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514
    edited December 2023

    Wraith isn't mediocre and 40 winstreak is nothing to write home about for any killer in the game. Pretty much every killer can get a +1k winstreak.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited December 2023

    Don't assume my game role just because I may not agree with your point and I promise not to make any assumptions about how you might play, all that does is cloud judgment and undermine objectivity.

    For clarity I happen to enjoy survivor most when the killer is a tangible threat I need to flee from rather than a weakling that I can run circles around. Gen and loop simulator gets very dull very quick. What makes survivor engaging to play? the threat of elimination. Without it its just gen and loop simulator, chases and escaping become meaningless.

    The horror is only gone forever for players that don't appreciate the tangible threat that the killer represents. The mechanics of DBD are incredibly dull outside of fleeing for your life from the monster.

    The threat of it is a necessity for DBD to be playable in the first place. Its that threat that the whole game premise is built on and what the game is promoted as. People often say "they need to balance the game" but what do they mean by that, its becoming another buzz term that no one can really define but in the most general of ways.

    We can both have different takes on what we want from the game that's fine, its to be expected... but mark my words the "imbalance" is what makes DBD playable. Its not about whether that imbalance should exist or not, but rather how much of that imbalance is too much?

    If we are leaning into the theme of the game and the excitement of playing survivor then that imbalance has to favour the killer somewhat, otherwise we have Scooby Doo not DBD.

    Now I love Scooby Doo, its a cornerstone of my childhood, but I don't play DBD for a Scooby Doo experience, I play Scooby Doo betrayal at mystery mansion for that. I play DBD for the survival horror experience and the more brutal that is the more engaging and thrilling it is.

    I'll do what I can to see attempts to water that horror experience down in the name of ill-defined balance are minimal and hopefully change a few game perspectives along the way.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    For a survivor win streak (not SWF, just 1) they need to be able to rely on the team, the team needs to be better than the killer, and the survivor in question has be better than the killer (depending on rules in question) while also having an objective they can almost never do alone (ties into relying on team) in areas the killer knows you have to go. The killer needs to only really be better than the weakest link, have some intelligence, and relies solely on themselves to fill an objective with any method they can employ (of which there's a few). One side getting a win streak is much easier than the other.

    May we ask what is good balancing to you? Our definition may differ.

    At this point we're getting the feeling of "no matter if your better than the rest, have enough of a drive, and the skill to do it, eventually you MUST lose otherwise the game is imbalanced." and again we're going to question why?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    I mean, yeah that's true.

    I THINK Oracle got beat, so even if you have all the players on, it's apparently much easier to lose as Survivor.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    Because the game uses a competitive MMR system.

    Sure, in an old CoD you could run up huge winstreaks. However, in any game that has MMR, the ENTIRE point is to match people appropriately.

    2000 winstreaks do not happen in Siege or OW.