knight killswitched but plaything not

Plaything is currently bugged so that the aura of the totem is not working. Why is it not killswitched. The knight needed to be shut off for a while but so too does Plaything. The balance in this perk is that it shows you where it is when you get near it. I have died a lot recently trying to find it with no terror radius and no aura to tell me it's near and I have cleansed my plaything finding it the old way (Searching every nook cranny and corner of the map) because the glow isn't there. It buys a lot more time and a lot more stealth than is intended and is clearly winning games because of the bug a the moment.


  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    This isn’t sarcasm but that would be a cool mechanic to send out all 3 guards. With right balance they can turn that into a actual feature

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,484
    edited December 2023

    Yeah i feel like with a proper rework a in 4-places at once type deal could be really fun for him. Maybe if the guards can't actually down or something. Or they each have jobs they do around the map like breaking pallets or something. Definitely could see something more interesting come out of it. Especially if the 3-genning fix happens and he falls off in playrate.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,725

    Could even make every guard cause a debuff on hit instead of deep wounds ala legion:

    Carnifex inflicts incapacitated for x seconds (addon rework could add more)

    Assassin could either apply an aura to the survivor for x seconds, or inflict both hemorrhage and mangled (addons may effect it or the spirit's movement speed)

    Jailer could inflict a big hindered debuff or apply aura reading during chase if Assassin doesn't apply it instead.

  • nora_the_explora
    nora_the_explora Member Posts: 104
    edited December 2023

    Yes let’s give him also a tank, a rocket launcher and make it that if u load into a game against him survivor’s gpu catches fire instantly

    Post edited by nora_the_explora on
  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,484

    I get the joke. But honestly wish they could do more with him. Its legion again. Made to be 4 different characters but only one is mainly played. Unless most people are fine with his current version? Which i have no complaints

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 292

    Yeah, like make the cool down 20 seconds per guard summoned. YOu choose how strong your power is. But the stronger it is, the longer it takes to come back. The Artist works under this principle, so why not The Knight?

  • pizzavessel15
    pizzavessel15 Member Posts: 534

    you can still cleanse plaything. just because the aura reading isnt working doesnt mean it should be kill switched

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    It’s hard but here’s like a rough idea i have for that.

    you can send out as many guards as you like. You can cycle between them like clowns bottles. If you for example send a carniflex and he starts chasing someone you can also send an assassin. But only one guard can chase one survivor at a time. But be careful cause the more guards you send the longer the cooldown will be.

    each guard have there quirks. Carniflex can break stuff faster and chases the longest. Assassin is the fastest chaser and causes deep wounds. Jailer has the most speed when patrolling but if he hits you, gain incapacitation for 15 seconds.

    pressing CTRL or joystick next to pallet or gen will instantly send the guard out to get rid of the clunkiness

  • nora_the_explora
    nora_the_explora Member Posts: 104

    I would't say that artist work with the same principal, it's a very different power. artist crows don't chase you around the map for 10 seconds and you can dodge the crows or hold w till she has no more crows, it's on the survivor to play the loop correctly and on the killer to try and zone the survivor or place crows strategicly. Artist has some sort of map control aswell with her birds, u can stop people that are doing gens or injure survivor from far or know where they are at but surv can dodge the bird if they pay attention. It's a balanced power that leaves room for counterplays.

    It's kinda impossible to balance summoning 3 guards at the same time without making the killer completely overpowered, full control of the map and on what other survivors are doing while for example you are chasing somebody, without counting how strong he would be in a 3 gens situation doesn't seem a really good solution to me. Imagine summoning 3 guards against 1 person you are chasing, leaving them no room to do absolutley anything, or summoning 3 guards to chase other 3 survivors while you are already chasing somebody, it's near to impossible to balance. even them having aura ready ability while chasing, its a free wall hack that doesn't even require the killer to bring add ons or perks leaving survivors with no counterplay in chase

    Saying this I think his power need to be looked at because it is defo bugged and the guards don't work properly

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    They seem to have a problem killswitching obviously broken perks. Remember Merciless Storm?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,036

    Merciless Storm was also one of the worst bugged Perks which never got killswitched.

    In general, they are highly inconsistent with their Killswitch. I remember Dead Dawg being killswitched because it had Totem-Spots where Boons cannot be snuffed (absolutely right to killswitch the Map), but then there were Coldwind-Maps which had uncleansable Totems but this did not get killswitched.

    And sometimes they killswitch a mild inconvenience, but dont killswitch really broken things (like Merciless Storm).

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    I mean, even wesker's egg (gold) has been bugged for months apparently, yet it's still usable (and u can get so many cool clips thanks to it!)