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It’s a slippery slope with mmr

(Vent post)

A little pretext, I have just under 2K hours in game and only stopped for a long break once (like a year long break) and rejoined before the alien chapter came out and i mostly main surv. But to the main point, I feel stuck with a low mmr and once you’re there it’s so hard to climb out of because no matter how good you might be your teammates won’t be. The amounts of times i’ve gotten to second stage or just died on my first hook is unfathomable and the skill checks and trying to get healed might as well be impossible. As far as I know and seen there’s no way to increase your mmr without escaping, this system could really use a rework in my opinion.

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  • Member Posts: 8,602

    Well that's the fun part of solo survivor: no matter what you do or how well you play, you never really escape those teammates. And every time they raise the soft cap, you have 2 or 3 weeks of amazing games before they panic and revert the changes. You can maintain a net positive win rate for the better part of a year, have thousands of hours, and still get teammates running No Mither who go down instantly and die at 3 remaining gens.

  • Member Posts: 2,123

    Considering the game is supposed to be a casual game with your friends, I'd rather they just have some new player protection mmr-wise, but beyond that, eliminate mmr. Leave it up to the entity. Not every match needs to be sweat. Give some medium ones. Give some surprising challenging ones. Give some laid back ones. Let people just casually enjoy the game without having to worry about bringing meta builds every match just to stay afloat.

  • Member Posts: 710

    The matchmaking is a giant turd anyway, the tone of matches between "low MMR" and "high MMR" is not all that different. The devs repeatedly say that MMR is working as intended but have never produced any meaningful numbers around it, and over time I've come to quite firmly believe that it's not really any better than making matches with completely random players.

  • Member Posts: 5,956

    What you're referring to is called "elo hell" and it's unlikely, that something like that actually exists.

    On one hand, it's clear that you won't win a match alone as a survivor. It's a team game after all. But on the other hand, it's very unlikely that you are consistently matched with bad players that drag you down.

    Especially in DBD the matchmaking is a bit wonky. So your matches will swing wildly from too easy to too hard. Honestly though, I think that's a better option than super strict matchmaking for most players. We already had these when MMR was initially introduced and it was horrible. My matches were boring, repetitive, sweaty, predictable and overall not very enjoyable and it seemed that many players had a similar experience.

  • Member Posts: 1,150

    My advice would be to play at peak hours so you can increase your chances of joining a SWF as an unofficial 3rd/4th member. This isn't a fool proof method, however. I've seen duos double DC when they get a Killer they don't like. And they might not care much for your fate if you get hooked in endgame and they're all at the exit gates. But generally speaking, you have a higher chance to match with better teammates if you play at peak times. The flip of that being the Killer will probably be higher skilled as well.

    If your teammates are truly, truly awful though, You could also equip some of the more selfish perks. Distortion, Sole Survivor, Left Behind, Deliverance, healing perks that don't require other players like Inner Healing or Self-Care etc. Might increase your odds of Surviving a little better.

    Personally, I'm trying to stop playing so much for escapes now. I find I have a better time if I focus on getting tome challenges done or a good chase or two.

  • Member Posts: 41

    Agreed. You can try playing at different times of day, as someone suggested, but also, do you run the same perks a lot? I would suggest trying to switch up perks completely and see what kind of team it might bring you. I've found that matchmaking seems to be influenced by similar survivor perks (I'll get into a lobby with 3 other random also having similar combinations of the perks I have on). This is a theory no one has confirmed for me yet but it's become pretty obvious from all the soloq I play lol. Meta perks will get you with people *trying* to be sweaty (and mostly failing and dying early) so try running sneaky perks, or info perks help a lot (alert/dark sense) in just avoiding death by staying away from the killer, mix it with a little distortion or calm spirit, you can prob at least get hatch if escape is the goal. Though I will warn you that info perks often summon all the stealth killers it seems, so be prepared for them to be pretty useless some matches lol (and lots of Chucky).

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