My Sadako ideas for the upcoming changes

jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
edited December 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

For me Sadako wasn‘t fun after her rework. She really got stronger, but only in one for me unfun way. I loved being omnipresent with her and tping around much. I never/rarely condemned someone on purpose, which was the whole focus of the rework, so it got rid of what I liked about her.

My ideas: (I focus on her old version)


  • Very short/no cooldowns. If they want to take your ability away to be everywhere instantly, they have to take a tape
  • TVs also have an area around them where you get a small amount condemned (when on) just by being close and by looking at the clip on the Tv you get more passive condemned


  • No 10s cooldown, instead only the time you need to change the mode to allow her fast mobility again, which was the coolest thing
  • Speed boost after crawling out of the tv
  • Looking around while crawling out of an tv to have a better orientation in chase
  • The radius around tvs, which gives you condemned after a tp, gets split in three areas. First radius (16-20m) around the TVs 0,5 stacks, in the second radius (8-16m) 1 stack and close (0-8m) to the TVs 2 stacks. So that you would be rewarded to chase survivors into TVs.
  • Condemned should be applied at the start of the crawling out a TV animation, not afterwards
  • all areas (16m) around TVs give 1 stack condemned (maybe only as addon)


  • Faster switch between both forms
  • more lagging and glitching around, so that survivors have a harder time tracking you
  • pallet immunity like now
  • chase count as chases in demanifast
  • The demanifast glitching should stay a bit longer after switching
  • I would also like her terror radius to return in demanifasted mode so people would be scared and run into me, because they don‘t know from where I come. As I started playing against her I did that quite often. I heard the terror radius, then I started to run and she just appeared out of nowhere in front of me.


  • I would want the tapes to be like before the rework, because in the current form I don‘t like that people switch off TVs only to counter condemned. If it was willingly it would be fine, but so I hate it.
  • With short/no TV cooldown you have to pick one up, otherwise she can tp around all the time. After taking one the tv shuts down for 50-70s.
  • After putting it back in the tv you lose stacks of condemned 
  • you only have one tv to put the tape like before

She shouldn’t have her lullaby shown in the visual heartbeat. Maybe it‘s only me, but I can hear and I don‘t hear any lullaby, so I see it in the visuel heartbeat -> ah there is something and know she is there.

I would also like her old iri addon to return.

Please comment which ideas you like and dislike.


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,743
    edited December 2023

    I would want the tapes to be like before the rework, because in the current form I don‘t like that people switch off TVs only to counter condemned. If it was willingly it would be fine, but so I hate it.

    The solution to improving this is just making televisions turn off for less time. current amount for survivor to turn off TV's is 70 seconds. you simply reduce time to much lower value such as 20 seconds. By doing this, survivor can still tapes but it will not limited your teleportation choices. old iri-tape might need to be base-kit due to how easy it would be to take tapes out of the TV's and spam reduce condemn to 0 almost instantly.

    No 10s cooldown, instead only the time you need to change the mode to allow her fast mobility again, which was the coolest thing

    the original reason why this 10 seconds was added was to limit amount of global condemn that Sadako could add. the solution to fixing this problem is making it so that teleport has no cooldown but global condemn application has 10 second global cooldown. this means you can teleport as much as you want but you won't build condemn for doing so.

    TVs also have an area around them where you get a small amount condemned (when on) just by being close and by looking at the clip on the Tv you get more passive condemned

    active teleport encourage you to play actively rather then play passively waiting for the passive to "win" the game for you. In some ways, the dynamic is anti-3 gen mechanic. While this also encourages "spamming" teleports, spamming teleport is still more active then then doing absolutely nothing and gaining mori's.

    The radius around tvs, which gives you condemned after a tp, gets split in three areas. First radius (16-20m) around the TVs 0,5 stacks, in the second radius (8-16m) 1 stack and close (0-8m) to the TVs 2 stacks. So that you would be rewarded to chase survivors into TVs.

    Condemned should be applied at the start of the crawling out a TV animation, not afterwards

    all areas (16m) around TVs give 1 stack condemned (maybe only as addon)

    the whole reason why this was changed was to make killer less dependent on map size and tv's spawns. also to discourage slugging people near televisions because limited radius encourages TV camping and Gen camping because these are locations where survivor is forced to interact with the killer.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2023

    The solution to improving this is just making televisions turn off for less time. current amount for survivor to turn off TV's is 70 seconds. you simply reduce time to much lower value such as 20 seconds. By doing this, survivor can still tapes but it will not limited your teleportation choices. old iri-tape might need to be base-kit due to how easy it would be to take tapes out of the TV's and spam reduce condemn to 0 almost instantly.

    Tapes should loose the ability to turn off TVs if they stay the same. Hopefully old iri tape returns in some form.

    the original reason why this 10 seconds was added was to limit amount of global condemn that Sadako could add. the solution to fixing this problem is making it so that teleport has no cooldown but global condemn application has 10 second global cooldown. this means you can teleport as much as you want but you won't build condemn for doing so.

    I would prefer if condemned has something to do with TVs, I don‘t like the map wide concept. Especially when playing against her.

    active teleport encourage you to play actively rather then play passively waiting for the passive to "win" the game for you. In some ways, the dynamic is anti-3 gen mechanic. While this also encourages "spamming" teleports, spamming teleport is still more active then then doing absolutely nothing and gaining mori's.

    They can just turn the TVs close to them off, so it will only do something if you let the TVs on. It‘s a less free mori than right now. This is only meant to be some form of small increase/bonus but not the insta mori. Lore wise it would also fit.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2023

    How did you make the line on the left side where you quoted me?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,743

    They can just turn the TVs close to them off, so it will only do something if you let the TVs on. It‘s a less free mori than right now. This is only meant to be some form of small increase/bonus but not the insta mori. Lore wise it would also fit.

    turning off televisions would do nothing because if sadako has add-on that refreshes last 4 televisions on m1. Suppose TV's build condemn every 60 seconds, you take a tape out and insert into a TV in which you will work on the gen(tapes build condemn every 30 seconds, old passive), she hits someone, TV turns back on. you accomplished nothing.

    In current system, you build no condemn at all for carrying the tape and you suppress most of the condemn for doing a single tape run.

    I would prefer if condemned has something to do with TVs, I don‘t like the map wide concept. Especially when playing against her.

    I feel like one of the main problems with killer is lack of global map presence and threat. Playing survivor is too safe with too little risks. the global condemn has potencial to create global threat in the game and it provides secondary objective.

    Tapes should loose the ability to turn off TVs if they stay the same.

    If you consider this a problem than I agree that they can do that change. I use turning off TV as information for where the survivor is. It is information tool for me. I would still like TV to be turned off so I can notice that the TV is off though an alternative would be giving yellow and grey aura to televisions similar to mother comb add-on. At the same time, I feel that add-on spoon feed me information and i like being able to read the game on my own to some marginal degree.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2023

    turning off televisions would do nothing because if sadako has add-on that refreshes last 4 televisions on m1. Suppose TV's build condemn every 60 seconds, you take a tape out and insert into a TV in which you will work on the gen(tapes build condemn every 30 seconds, old passive), she hits someone, TV turns back on. you accomplished nothing.

    She doesn‘t have the addon to refresh her TVs right now and we don‘t know whether it will return. (Even if it returns, it will be an iri addon, which is supposed to be strong)

    One stack in 60s (near on TVs) wouldn‘t be much. If it is too strong then make that carrying a tape gets rid of the passive condemned (from TVs) and you get only the tape passive condemned.

    I would make that it gives maybe every ten seconds 0,15 stacks or every 30s 0,5stacks.

    I feel like one of the main problems with killer is lack of global map presence and threat. Playing survivor is too safe with too little risks. the global condemn has potencial to create global threat in the game and it provides secondary objective.

    It shouldn‘t be only global condemned, maybe a mix between both. I don‘t know wether you played against her much, but it feels very miserable. Besides of bad players the global condemned is extremely weak against good players and you can‘t really do much with it. Yes there is slowdown, but without the iri addon it is a very bad slowdown.

    I personally would love that her global threat comes back in form of her appearing out of nowhere threw fast tp.

    If you consider this a problem than I agree that they can do that change. I use turning off TV as information for where the survivor is. It is information tool for me. I would still like TV to be turned off so I can notice that the TV is off though an alternative would be giving yellow and grey aura to televisions similar to mother comb add-on. At the same time, I feel that add-on spoon feed me information and i like being able to read the game on my own to some marginal degree.

    It as information tool would be fine, but not being able to tp there is just annoying.

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