Chucky is Wesker v2

And that's good thing. Because Wesker is also amazing killer. Now Chucky is also so popular like him.
I really hope we get more killers like them which is fun for both sides.
Mistakes like Dull Merchant should never happen again.
AAAAAARRRGHHH!!!!!!! I'm tired of facing both of them every second.
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Meh I don't like either and find them uninteresting since their powers boil down to "move fast".
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i would not say so. Chucky's something like a blight with 1 blight rush at loops with way better control. incredible difficult to loop when killer player is good.
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Not to me, he ain't.
Because in my opinion Chucky has one little detail that makes him different from Wesker: Chucky isn't awful to go against.
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Hello, friend! To answer your off-topic question:
Yes, I'm still playing Freddy. I did buy the Dredge recently because a thread about him here sparked my interest, and I do have some other kills leveled up (such as Hag, Bubba, Oni, and a few others), but like... I have been a Freddy main since 2018, and no amount of awful reworks will change that.
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Wesker is awful to go against?
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Extremely awful to go against.
He is among my least favorite killers. Here is a recent tier list I made, in order from most fun to least:
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So Ghostface still has the throne after years huh
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He always will, I suppose.
But the other four on that "Awful" tier aren't far behind. Not at all.
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Geez, I like the default music.
One of them is actually my favorite chase theme in the entire game.
This one:
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If BHVR hadn't hit the Xeno with a knee jerk nerf to the Tail Strike you'd probably see it a lot more, too.
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I see Xeno a lot. So?
And they did not nerf him.
And this post is not about Xeno. If you wanna talk about him, go and open post about him.
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Seems more like any killer who's power revolves around going fast is automatically considered a fun killer for the majority of people.
Personally, i find killers like Chucky to be uninteresting gameplay-wise but is decent in aesthetic.
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I'm not a fan of Chucky or his franchise, but even I'll admit he has a fun mechanic to work around. Though I am bias to undetectable killers in general, they feel more fun to face.
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Slowly chucky players are going back to their weskers anyways. Had it not been for that 180 flick nerf in latest patch, we'd see more of him. But his numbers have been going down lately.
Id say chucky is for console players while wesker is for pc players. Console players can easily "hug tech" themselves with ease while its much harder for wesker.
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I'd sooner play against Wesker x2 than Wesker v2. Chucky is far too small for it to feel enjoyable to play against regularly, but it's fun to play as.
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The fun thing about chucky and wesker is that their powers are very engaging because they help with what you constantly do. Chase and find survivors.
They are also likable characters with amazing voice overs.
So it makes a lot of sense why they are popular.
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It’s not that people wanna give up, it’s just people don’t wanna be bored for a while match. SM has nothing interesting to show for playing as or against her and is just a slob design. Counterplay is “don’t go to this area”. It has nothing to do with giving up.
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It’s strange cause Chuckys turn isn’t like pc I can’t even do 180 anyway. But something felt off when I played him. Did the turn rate also effect Xbox cause when I played idk if it was me or the mechanic
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What makes wesker unfun to go against?
He has counterplay he’s not just anti loop hold w killer like Xeno(I hate his power and his gameplay).
What do you hate about him?
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I disagree he is like my boy Wesker. Rather a mini wesker that can pop out of tall grass right next to your feet. Scamper is in my opinion to easy to use and has no real downside - in contrast to Wesker.
Chucky MAY become a fun killer like Wesker is, i can see the potential, but they have to do some changes to achieve that.
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Those things are very personal, but I don't like the way he plays.
Dash forward, throw survivors in random directions and a countdown towards Hindered? That just doesn't appeal to me, I don't want to go against that.
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Chucky is solid B tier killer where Wesker is A- or B+.
I wouldn't call Chucky the new Wesker simply because of him being so slow. Chucky getting pallet stunned is another thing that still needs to be addressed at least from killer's POV, while blinding Chucky with flashlight is often quite problematic for survivors. If I were to sum it up - Chucky is quite clunky killer in his current state. His stealth power is currently weak ( competent people no longer get jump-scared when they see white footprints or hear his running steps ) and his slice and dice sometimes has weird hit box.
Wesker is straight forward dash type of killer with more reliable and simple power as well as good M1 whiff attack. He is what many call a ''balanced'' and ''non-complex'' killer.
Even in terms of fun, Wesker feels more enjoyable. Chucky is not bad, but at best, I'd call him poor man's version of Wesker.
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I like those more chase-orientated Killers, so I'd definitely want more. However, I also hope DBD explore other avenues for Killers. More stealth and range would be good. Maybe some more inventive powers such as the Singularity, such as a warping Killer. Variety is nearly always a good thing.
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I actually love (and prefer) facing Wesker. Chucky is a pain to deal with, but Wesker is fun.
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Fair enough.
Those things are personal, everyone has their own favorites.