"Friends" in the fog?

My friend and I played dbd. Nowadays it is difficult to play dbd with random survivors. After the match, we invited the previous players to our party so that it would be easier for all of us to enjoy the game. During the games, one of our new “friends” wrote which killer would be next, and then said that he was joking. When asked why he only had 200 hours, he replied, "I've been banned too many times in this game." We broke up the party and unfriended him. Now the question, is it possible to get banned if you play in a party with a cheater you don’t even know about? Now I feel terrible, and after this I don’t even want to add anyone as friends...
And how to protect yourself from such surprises? This was a first for me because 99% of the time we always played with my old group of friends. For the first time we decided to play with other people, and immediately ran into a negative experience...
Sorry for my English, it's not my native language.