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Anticamp feature

I love this feature I think it’s one of the best things added into the game but the effectiveness of it needs to be updated. Firstly I don’t understand why the feature doesn’t activate when the exit gates are open, for instance I was just in a game where I was only hooked once and it was just when the gates were opened , the killer stood right in-front of me and i couldn’t unhook and my teammates couldn’t get to me i think if anything it should go quicker when the exit gates are open. Secondly I think the killers terror radius should trigger the anti camp feature because killers can still camp from a distance I think if you’re still in the killers terror radius it should gradually increase.


  • Astel
    Astel Member Posts: 650
    edited December 2023

    First, it is ANTI FACECAMP, not anti camp. Proxy camp is valid strategy.

    Terror Radius being the trigger condition of this is absolutely bad idea, because not only each killers have different terror radius but also the existence of Undectable status and Distressing perk. Regading this, terror radius based mechanic would be too inconsistent.

    Plus, I dont find reason why anti facecamp mechanic should be still activated after exit gate being powered.

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 959
    edited December 2023

    Anticamp feature

    It's an anti face-camping feature. It's intended to combat face-camping specifically -- not camping overall.

    I don’t understand why the feature doesn’t activate when the exit gates are open

    Because what else is the killer supposed to do other than defend the hook at that point?

    I think the killers terror radius should trigger the anti camp feature

    This would lead to killers with a natively larger Terror Radius being unfairly punished. Also, how would this work with the Undetectable status effect? It's unfeasible IMO.

    because killers can still camp from a distance

    That's kind of the point. You can't camp directly in front of a hook anymore, you have to move some distance away if you want to do it. This distance between the killer and the hook allows survivors a greater chance of pulling of a rescue.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,922

    The Killer cant face camp from a distance, so there is no reason the anti face camp system should activate on range.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 689

    I agree it works very clunky in a lot of scenarios during the game and it should be tweaked in some regards (some hooks next to stairs make it so easy to bypass the system, bar should fill up faster, it should be shown to teammates in the HUD, etc.), maybe even make the % of the bar mean the % of chance a survivor has to yeet off, this would remove annoying 4% kobes the killer could not do anything about and make it only a punishment for actually camping and cheese their way through the mechanic. However in end game once all gens are done it’s absolutely understandable why a killer would choose to just stand there and try to secure the hook since there is really nothing else for them to do anymore. It would be an absolute free escape if it worked in end game. It should be more strict during early and mid game, not in ene game.

  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618