Xenomorph tunnels during the event... so bad.

Hello everyone:
I am writing this to demonstrate how the Xenomorph tunnels spawn during the event. It's a mess. I hope BHVR can notice these things next time, as it affects the killer's performance in the game. There was a large area on the map where no tunnel spawned. This has happened to me many times throughout the event.
Three tunnels almost in the same place.
that is just plain atrocious
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I think this is affecting the onryo's tv's too. Was playing as her and i noticed most of the time she only had TV's on one side of the map.
It's an unfortunate conflict between the spawning of the snow piles and killer objects.
Hope devs can address that should it come back next year.
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I saw three tunnels on Haddonfield, all spawned in the garden in the corner of the map, all within a roughly 10m radius, just like the image in the OP.
What's even the point of playing the killer like that? I tried a handful of Xenomorph matches and my tunnel spawns bordered on worthless.
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Similar issue to gen spawns atm, I think killer objects in general on some maps are having some major spawning issues. Which is very bad for a killer like this since its a key aspect of his power being able to tunnel around the map and these spawns literally remove that.
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It seems like an easy fix for this would be have killer objects have their spawns chosen before event objects. Not sure why it isn't that way already.