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Badham Preschool is the worst killer map

I don't know what it is too many pallets, the layout, or what but everytime when I'm killer on this map I struggle alot.

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  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I disagree, but only for Badham Preschool 1.

    That one still has the original layout, from all the way back when there was only one Badham Preschool (as it should be). That map I strongly believe is fair for both sides, no matter how unpopular this opinion might be.

    But the other four... ah, the other four are bad. Their layouts are all over the place. Very confusing to play.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    honestly that title goes to haddonfield if you ask me

    it’s just not an enjoyable map in general

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Not really. Main building is getting 2 god-pallets but that's all. Survivors can't loop those pallets, they are drop and run type pallets. And once they gone, there is nothing left for main. And this main has no good vault, which makes sense to have 2 good pallets.

    Rest of map is pretty much playable.

    Garden of Joy, Haddonfield are worse maps.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    it's the second strongest survivor map after garden of trash. it has countless pallets on very strong loops, whopping 4 buildings for some unknown reason so you can run onis blights and billy's there and do outside gens in safety against stealthy killers so it's no-killer-sided. awful maps still favor certain killers while screwing over others (like garden is still better than rpd or lery's for singu/huntress etc while it's vice versa for stealth killers), but badham is dogwater for the whole roster for this reason.

  • Member Posts: 1,437

    Garden of joy is fair now. It‘s very easy for killers since the rework. A lot less pallets, the main building is less accessible and worse loops in general.

  • Member Posts: 4,650

    Very interesting opinion. I never looked at it this way.

    I always felt that the 4 strong structures are way to close to each other, allowing very long chases. Chases that last too long for my taste.

  • Member Posts: 4,650
    edited December 2023

    Agree with one exception.

    Badham is still home to the original house of pain.

    That loop, played correctly, can extend a chase for almost 2 minutes. I've seen it happen.

  • Member Posts: 306

    Bro there’s no amount of mf who can convince me that BAHADMAN is fair, and the living proof is the main build, oh actually, which one of the THREE + The shack area is always have 3000+ pallets

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    House of Pain is kinda rng. If it has god vault, yeah it's pretty much busted. But exception of that, only one pallet and when it's gone , it's done.

    Maybe they should remove this windows.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    Overall they are survivor sided, but it depends a lot on which version you get. V1 is much more ballanced then the others.

    The reason you struggle is probably the way of the layout. There are 2 houses usually close to each other, in between killer shack. And they are also close to the main building, which is survivor sided.

    House to the left, shack, hous to the right. Close to the right main building.

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    Idk man, they all have their issues that make them extremely bad.

    You forgot house of pain, and other than the two car loops, all other loops that spawn in the map are pretty safe and a mandatory break unless you want to bloodlust. Two story house also has strong loops unless you break the walls, which again is a waste of time.

    Not saying that Bandham is worse than GoJ, but it's not better imho.

    Haddonfield is debatable I guess, I'm still not sure how to classify that map. It has a few strong windows but it's pretty much a deadzone of a map other than that...

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Well BHVR just don't know how to make good maps.

    All reworks lately turned garbage.

    Borgo is now full of dead zones. They said they fixed it but from my exp, it's just not true. Map is still so bad and full with deadzone.

    Red Forest is fine i guess by size and loops? But gens are now so close to each other. I can hold 4 gens together, no joke.

    Garden of Joy at least still bad map as before. They did not break anything, it's still broken.

    I really prefer them to not touch maps because they are somehow making them worse.

  • Member Posts: 1,933
    edited December 2023

    Honestly I like new borgo both as survivor and killer. It's not a deadzone, the pallets *are* there, the problem is they have that map specific look that makes them difficult to see (same for vauls with that map specific cloth thingy). If possible I would just remove that map specific look for pallets and give them the standard one

    Idk what they did with red forest. Mother's dwelling is fine I guess, but man did they butcher temple. It now spawns only two maze tiles in the whole map, rest is just ######### filler pallets, most of them unsafe too. It really feels like they have no half measures but go from one extreme to the other

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    Yeah but they gave each McMillan map a new variant instead, so it balances it out, right? That's obviously what the map team needed to spend their effort and time on, right?

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Yeah, the original Badham is actually fair. There is also the fact it has been around for longer, so most players are used to its layout.

    The four structures all have their advantages and weaknesses when you really look at them, and in my opinion that is what makes a balanced map. Of course, not every map will be balanced, but I don't think it is correct to call Badham survivor-sided.

    Again, only the original Badham. The others were introduced together with patch 3.1.0 (the one I hate most in the game's history) and they are a mess. The original layout is excellent, but it is meant to be arranged in that specific way. If you readjust that, it becomes confusing and not good to play.

    They did know how to make good maps in the past.

    But the reworks... the reworks are the problems. They always have been.

    And I am not saying that just because of the aesthetic (though it is an important factor) but because of the sheer amount of deadzones and those awful new tiles that I'm seeing.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    the god pallet are bad in main building but that is not what makes badham so bad for killer. it is pre-running. if you pre-run generators near main building, you can pre-run that window in front of school and just go round and round where killer has to go around 2 times before they catch-up, so by the time you get bloodlust, you have easy routing into bottom floor god pallet to lose bloodlust.

    the rest of the map is not playable. it is horrendous for m1. you have 1 building where you need break two breakable walls or windows are infinity, so that wastes your early game where people can get head-start on gens. The other building has rng of 1 infinity or two infinities depending on how windows align with breakable wall spawns. Your other building choice is shack. just about every single one of those buildings in that map is free time waste if the survivor knows how to loop.

    garden of joy has that infinity dining room window which they still haven't fixed and some of windows in that main building can be pre-runned in such a way that they waste your time. The only upside of this map is that you can 3 gen shack side but it is not good map.

    Haddonfield is houses with infinity windows. This map used to playable because of 3 gens, but they removed 3 gens, so now the map is survivor sided because killer has to play the map where survivor are encouraged to go round and round with infinity windows.

    all 3 maps are bad for killer but i think on average, badham is worse for most killers than GJ & Haddonfield.

  • Member Posts: 504

    It's pretty much all of those issues- Although the main problems with the map are with the main building and the houses because Main is always just one giant loop due to the one window right in the front of the building and the fact that the main building has 2 god pallets sitting in it. Then the houses all have at least 1 god pallet in them and a bunch of windows which are typically always in bad places. Outside of those problems the maps are alright-ish.

  • Member Posts: 4,105
    edited December 2023

    How is haddonfield worse then springwood? It has 2 very strong windows, thats about it. If they remove just one of them, this map might become killer sided. Garden of Joy is somewhat understandable, but i am pretty sure they have nerfed it very recently. It spawns with less pallets, middle got nerfed, less filler pallets.

    On the other hand Springwood: Main building has a god pallet, 2nd and 3rd spawn are also very strong. Both houses are very safe and often spawn very strong windows. Houses are on multible versions next to killershack, you can almost always make it there. In between there are decent / good filler pallets.

    V1 might not be very survivor sided, i even think this version is somewhat ballanced, but the other versions are usually unpleasent for killers. Dont get me wrong, there are also super strong killer maps, but the argument, Springwood is the most survivor sided map has some truth in it.

  • Member Posts: 57

    Objectively, legitimately, factually, absolutely, positively, and unfathomably wrong

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