Killer Idea: The Horseman 2.0

I realize that my first rendition of this idea was way too overtuned. For this next rendition I have nerfed a lot of his original aspects while keeping intact he original themes as much as possible. Again, i would still like feedback concerning this idea.


Speed: 4.4m/s

Terror Radius: 32m

Height: Average

Killer Power:

Spreading the End: The Horseman starts the trial with 5 gore pile tokens. He can place them down in the map. It takes him 5 seconds to place down gore piles. He cannot place a gore pile within 32 meters of another gore pile. He cannot place a gore pile within 32 meters of a hooked survivor. Whenever the Horseman hooks a survivor within 32 meters of a gore pile, that gore pile is destroyed. It takes 30 seconds to generate another token. Maximum of 8 tokens can be held at once. A maximum of 8 gore piles can be placed at once. Once at the maximun number of gore piles, the horseman cannot place anymore gore piles unless the amount of gore piles goes bellow 8.

Gore Piles: They emit a 10 meter radius (indicated by a green circle) which if survivors enter, they will start coughing, and if they stay in the 10 meter radius for 30 seconds, they become injured, broken, and are afflicted with the blindness effect for 60 seconds. Gore piles can be destroyed by throwing a torch onto it. It takes 5 seconds for a survivor to do so. Doing so will create a loud noise notification for both the killer and survivors.

Torches: Around the map, there will be 20 poles that each have a torch on them. The torches start lit up at the beginning of the match. Survivors can pick up torches, picking up a torch takes 0.5 seconds, this will not replace their current item. If a torch is picked up this way, it will take 60 seconds before that pole has a torch available again. All poles auras are revealed to survivors at all times. When a survivor has a torch, they light up the area around them, making them easy to spot.

Hastening the End: The Horseman can teleport to any gore pile on the map, if he does this, the gore pile is destroyed. Any survivor within 10 meters of the gore pile and in line of sight of the gore pile is injured and afflicted with the blindness status effect for 60 seconds if healthy and downed when injured when the Horseman destroys a gore pile this way. The power has a cooldown of 40 seconds. The Horseman cannot teleport to a gore pile within 32 meters of a hooked survivor.

The End is Here: Whenever a survivor is afflicted with the blindness status effect, The Horseman gains a token. The progress of tokens can be seen by survivors (kinda like dredge's nightfall) and by the Horseman. At 12 tokens, all tokens are consumed and The End begins. During the End, the Horseman can't gain tokens.

The End: The End lasts for 30 seconds. During the end, one of four events will occur at random-

• Conquest: During Conquest, The sky becomes White with a bit of orange, whenever a survior vaults a window, that window is blocked by the entity, The Horseman gains 5% movement speed during the End.

• War: During War, The sky becomes blood red, all gens that are currently being worked on are blocked by the entity during the End. Only a maximum of 3 generators can be blocked this way.

• Pestilence: During Pestilence, the sky becomes pitch black with a bit of green, whenever the Horseman uses Hastening the End it doesn't destroy the gore pile, all torches despawn during the duration of the End, the cooldown for Hastening the End is reduced by 30 seconds (now 10 seconds) during the End.

• Death: During Death, the sky becomes a silky white or cream with a bit of black, all survivors become exposed for the duration of the End.


2 Ultra Rare:

Hellish Offering: The End is active at the beginning of the match. "Lore Text" -Quote

Iridescent Scroll: Reduce the amount of tokens it requires to activated the End by 4 (total now of 8) "Lore Text" -Quote

4 Very Rare:

Scroll of Conquest: During the End, only Conquest is selected. This addon does nothing if pared with Scroll of War, Scroll of Pestilence, or Scroll of Death. "Lore Text" -Quote

Scroll of War: During the End, only War is selected. This addon does nothing if pared with Scroll of Conquest, Scroll of Pestilence, or Scroll of Death. "Lore Text" -Quote

Scroll of Pestilence: During the End, only Pestilence is selected. This addon does nothing if pared with Scroll of Conquest, Scroll of War, or Scroll of Death. "Lore Text" -Quote

Scroll of Death: During the End, only Death is selected. This addon does nothing if pared with Scroll of Conquest, Scroll of War, or Scroll of Pestilence. "Lore Text" -Quote

5 Rare:

Hollow Bones: Increases the time of the End by 10 seconds (New total of 40 seconds) "Lore Text" -Quote

Severed Arm: Reduces the cooldown of Hastening the End by 10 seconds (New total of 30 seconds) "Lore Text" -Quote

Pile of Intestines: Whenever you injure a survivor within the radius of a gore pile, they become broken for 30 seconds.

Broken Helmet: The trial begins with 3 less poles (A total of 17) "Lore Text" -Quote

Severed Jaw: Whenever you enter the radius of a gore pile you become undectable and gain undectable for 5 seconds after leaving the gore pile's radius. "Lore Text" -Quote

5 Uncommon:

Demonic Staff: The radius of gore piles increases by 4 meters. (New total of 14 meters) "Lore Text" -Quote

Fractured Bones: Increases the time of the end by 5 seconds (New total of 35 seconds) "Lore Text" -Quote

Severed Leg: Reduceds the cooldown of Hastening the End by 5 seconds. (New total of 35 seconds) "Lore Text" -Quote

Broken Sword: The trial begins with 2 less poles (A total of 18) "Lore Text" -Quote

Rusty Cage: Whenever a survivor is injured within the radius of a gore pile, that survivor is afflicted with the exhausted status effect for 5 seconds. "Lore Text" -Quote

4 Common:

Rusted Toy Car: Increases the amount of tokens it requires to activate the end by 4 (Now total of 16 tokens), increases the time of the End by 30 seconds. (Now total of 60 seconds) "Lore Text" -Quote

Burnt Children Book: Gore piles can no longer be destroyed by Hastening the End, you can only have a maximum of 4 tokens, and only a maxium of 4 gore piles can exist at the same time. Increases the radius of the gore pile by 14 meters (total now of 24 meters) and reduces the cooldown of Hastening the End by 20 seconds. (total now 20 seconds) "Lore Text" -Quote

Ripped Scroll of Atonement: You begin the trial with 2 more tokens tokens (now 7), the maximum amount of tokens you can have at once is increased by 2 (now 10), and the maximum amount of gore piles that can be placed at once is increased by 2 (now 10). "Lore Text" -Quote

Broken Door Handle: Reduces the time it takes to place a gore pile by 3 seconds (now 2 seconds) and increases the amount of time it takes survivors to destroy gore piles by 3 seconds (now 8 seconds). "Lore Text" -Quote


Hex: Tormenting Pain:

Start the trial with 4 tokens. Anytime you injure a survivor with a basic attack a total of 4/3/2 times, and if there is not yet a Hex Totem already associated with Hex: Tormenting Pain and there is at least one Dull Totem remaining in the Trial Grounds, Hex: Tormenting Pain activates on a random Totem: The next healthy survivor you injure with a basic attack is broken. This affect can only effect one survivor. The aura of the Hex Totem is reveal to the survivor broken this way. Once that totem is cleanse, Hex: Tormenting Pain losses a token. When all tokens are consumed, Hex: Tormenting Pain is deactivated for the rest of the trial. Survivors broken this way cannot be broken by this perk for the rest of the trial. Once any survivor is killed by any means, Hex: Tormenting Pain is deactivated and reverts its Hex totem to a dull totem. "Lore Text" -Quote

Scourge Hook: Hopeless Efforts:

At the start of the trial, up to 4 random hooks are changed into scourge hooks. You see their auras in white. Whenever a survivor is hooked on a scourge hook, the following effect applies when you are farther than 32 meters from the hooked survivor:

• Other survivors in the trial repair generators and heal 7%/8%/10% slower until the survivor on the scourge hook is unhooked. "Lore Text" -Quote

Scourge Hook: Armageddon:

At the start of the trial, up to 4 random hooks are changed into scourge hooks. You see their auras in white. Whenever a survivor is hooked on a scourge hook, all other survivors are inflicted with the blindness and oblivious status effect for 30 seconds and for the next 40/50/60 seconds, the next time a survivor other than the hooked survivor drops a pallet, the Entity breaks that pallet. This can only happen once per hooked survivor. (Basically if a survivor drops a pallet and it breaks this way, the other survivors can't activate this effect until the next time someone is hooked on a Scourge hook.) "Lore Text" -Quote
