Breakdown needs a major rework.
3 entire minutes for a hook to respawn is just not okay, it creates so many areas where it becomes impossible to hook a Survivor if they're at, and don't even get me started on Breakdown Boil Over Sabo SWF squads... ugh, nothing is more unfun then playing against that #########.
It's a fundamentally flawed perk that just creates irritation and nothing more. On some maps it may as well not even exist, but on others, like Lery's, Ormond, Hawkins, Game it becomes a nightmare to even have 1 single Breakdown on the Survivor side.
On that note Hooks being destroyed when someone is sacrificed is an outdated mechanic that should also be removed.
Not an unreasonable stance, but what would you do with it though?
It's identity is one that makes the area the player is unhooked from a little safer for survivors because there are fewer hooks nearby, opening up more chances for sabo saves and alike.
In it's most innocent form, it essentially makes it harder to tunnel a player off hook, as if they go down in the same place, the hook they just came off is not there. The problem is, Breakdown can be both busted by making an area a compete hookless wasteland, or completely useless and do effectively nothing at all. The fact it is not consistent is what makes it unpopular.
Against an organised SWF, yes this is obnoxious... but that is rare.
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A thought that pinged in my head while writing this is, you could make Breakdown an anti tunnel perk.
When you get unhooked, Breakdown activates and that hooks aura is revealed to you for 60s.
If the killer puts you on that hook while Breakdown is active, you instead break the hook and drop back to the floor into the Dying state.
This would keep your wiggle progress in tact, so the killer can't pick you up... but there is probably some means of exploiting this I'm not aware of.
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The moment i see a player with breakdown in thr gamez is the moment i slug everyone to death. No way I'm risking it in case they are a bully sabo squad
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100% Insanely unhealthy perk and easily opens up really degen strats
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It is fine and does what it’s supposed to do. Without an swf it isn‘t really useful, because there are that many hooks around.
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oh, sure, let me be misserable for the first 10 minutes of the game