Make gen repairing not boring please
The most boring thins about playing survivor is that repairing gens is absolutely boring. If you get lucky you get 3-4 skill checks... In 90 seconds... I have had so many times where I have a challenge to succeed in skillchecks and the gen simply doesnt provide any. I have even had repaired gens in which I have no skill checks at all... It's just sitting in front of the gen for several seconds, occasionally pressing an extra button... It's so BORING!
What I'd love to see is a constant (and i mean non-stopping) influx of skillchecks while repairing. Something like merciless storm, but less punishing in terms of speed and size of the skill checks. And instead of an explotion every time you fail, you fill a bar. If the bar gets completely filled, the gen explodes. If you do a great skill check, the bar reduces. Something that would make me be actively doing something in the gen instead of just holding a key and waiting for time to pass...