Devs can you tell us when the Sadoko changes will be added?

A post about reworks has reminded me this is coming soon. I used to love Sadoko now I play her very rarely. I really hope its old Sadoko the one her mains loved and who had one of the highest kill rates.
I would also like to know!
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Please people comment on post to get the devs attention.
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What changes would you like to see and why?
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Wasn't it already on the roadmap for january
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I found it here.
It's January - March.
We are getting a new update with the new survivor in late January. (This was revealed in the anniversary roadmap) Then a new chapter in march i believe. So if it's not January it will be in march. But they could delay it i suppose so stay tuned in case of that.
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If not the upcoming mid-chapter (late January) then they might come with the full chapter release (early March?)
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It's next mid-chapter tho? We will see all changes in next week. If not, then it will be with next chapter.
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I mainly liked the old one more with the fast tp playstile. The new one requires no skill and is only spamming tp every ten seconds and condemned kill them afterwards. It isn‘t fun for both sides.
That are my ideas if you want read them:
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It requires skill as you need to ensure tapes cannot be used. Plus, the closer you teleport the more condemned value everybody receives. You still have to be on track with the survivors knowing what gen they may be doing so that you can efficiently teleport and start chases when needed.
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You get 3/4 stacks by every tp, it doesn‘t matter how far you are away from players. Knowing where people are, is easy, because they turn the TV near them off and you can‘t tp there.
I disagree her new version takes 0 skill compared to her before the rework. I know what I‘m talking about, because I play her in the spam condemned way. Also if you don‘t play her this way, she is way weaker than before the rework. Condemning isn’t skillful, before the rework it was. Just play hit and run and after some time someone is condemned, then just kill him and repeat.
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The fact they want to restore an old kit while improving it is a really good thing.
Hopefully everything goes well.
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I hope we get the ptb soon, I want to know whether I can be happy or just sad what comes.
I don‘t understand why behavior doesn‘t make a feedback discussion for Sadako, where we can give ideas and our thoughts like with trickster, but in advance instead of afterwards. At least they did it for the nurse Map.
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Honestly they could benefit a lot from advanced feedback, considering they don't use the PTB for fine tuning and will slap changes into the main game without testing them in the PTB.
In fact, I still hope they make the PTB a standalone client for this exact reason.
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Because the last rework went so well...
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Its still funny that Tapes are considered that much of a skill issue they need to be changed.
Secondary objections will never happen because of this.