Why is Huntress one shot axe add-on still a thing?

It feels outdated. Just like Clown's one-shot bottle add-on. BVHR has come a long way since 2016. Back then everything about DBD that could be broken was broken. Now it feels like these one-shot killer add-ons are relics of the past. Or what do you think?
Most of the time I play against iridescent head the huntress just camps from a far with the hatchet raised lol
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Nah, it is alright. She only gets one anyway. It has already been nerfed.
Besides, it has always been a pet peeve of mine when someone says something is "a relic of the past". I don't think this holds any weight, because you can say it for anything.
Want an absurd example? Me. Am I, GeneralV, not a relic of the past? Am I not someone who was here for the Old DBD but doesn't fit in the modern one?
You see the problem? This line of thinking would eventually lead to another game entirely. What can be done is understand every item, add-on and power in this game, and if they are to be changed then it must be because of a balance issue. Not simply because they are old.
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Denying that certain things are not relics of the past is just as much naive. You do know and most likely agree that many perks now balanced were once extremely broken and needed the upgrade, so these certain perks could be called relics of the past, had they been left untouched and still present in their original form.
You can of course make any crazy example, but at the end of the day, we both know some things about Dead by Daylight are still outdated game design which BVHR works (albeit very slowly) to fix and balance.
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Agreed, heck why don't we say that The Nurse is a "relic of the past" and she needs to just be removed? They can also remove that relic The Doctor while they are at it.
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Some "relics" don't need changed. For example, STBFL. Last it was changed was 2018 from what we see and a lot of people don't want to see it changed judging from some of the posts we've seen.
Besides how does it feel outdated when bleet, slinger and artist all have various versions of it. All hers is is just easier to proc and actually come with a downside.
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Oh yes, I can agree that some things in this game were broken and required changes. Sure, I am the most old-fashioned player in the Fog, so my list is definitely shorter than everyone else's. But I do have a list.
However, I do not think things should be changed simply because they are old. Things cannot simply be dismissed as outdated game design because countless times the old game design is far superior than the current state of things. We'll Make It, STBFL, Adrenaline and many other examples are excellent perks that can be seen as relics, but most certainly do not require a change.
Like I said, things have to be looked at individually. Some things could use changes, others could use reversions, but changing something simply because it was created a long time ago is an idea I'll never agree with.
Well said.
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Because max 1 hatches is terrible.
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I feel that Iri head hatchet is extremely unfun because while yeah you can get some sick ass long range snipes most people either bloodlust and throw it at your back and camp with it.
During the addon pass for Huntress they missed an amazing opportunity to make a really cool rework of the addon instead of just crunching the numbers. Most of the people who wanted it changed literally just asked for a range requirement for the one hit downs. That way it could be played around and when they happen most people aren't going to complain and be like yeah that wasn't earned.
You can still play around the current iri head but it's boring and unfun. It's not overpowered by any stretch it's just an uninspired addon that could absolutely be changed.
No comment on the Clown addon.
But would anyone really complain if iri head had let's say - 3 hatchets without the restriction to not increase it - But to get instant downs hatchets had to be farther than 20 meters?
Would people complain?
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It's problematic for the same reason knock out is. It's used exclusively by people who go into games with the sole intent of making everyone else miserable. People who run this addon do nothing but camp near the hook with their hatchet charged as the second poster said. It should be changed solely because it promotes unhealthy gameplay. Same story with things like tombstone piece.
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I mean, Nurse is absolutely a relic of the past. She breaks the rules of the game.
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It's not about being a "relic of the past". It's about if in the state the game is now, it still is balanced... which iri huntress is...
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This is off topic but can you explain the "rules" of the game to us.
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Nurse is a hacker...
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...suppose we deserved that one but in our defence we're gettin sick of hearing that.
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If you do a Google search of hackers, every picture shows people with hoods. Pretty sure Legion is hackers too... they have hoods.
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I don't have a problem with the Iri Head add-on. Just dodge it and huntress has literally no power (to go along with her slow 110% movement speed) unless she wants to drop chase and reload. Seems like a sufficient downside for a powerful add-on.
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the camping ability is stupid but at the very least you win the chase for juking her once
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I mean that Nurse ignores pallets and vaults, which are the only defenses Survivors have.
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Thats not rules though~
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I think its time to make it deep wound or broken and keep the number of hatchet the same.
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You’re more of a legendary treasure, not a relic.
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I think this is a fun add-on. Once the survivors figure out this add-on is in play it could be very benefitial for them. Miss the shot and huntress is close to useless...
Because of this only good huntresses use it imo, so I do get why it feels unfair sometimes ... From that perspective maybe the time to charging the throw or getting the hatchets could be increased, but overall: fun game changing add-on
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it not any good honestly. The problem is most instant down addons allow you to camp with little to no counterplay.
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Ah, you're the real treasure here, my dear friend! It is so good to see you!
How are you doing, btw?
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Currently, I’d say Iri Heads are largely fine. They have a significant drawback, and you must get value from them to achieve anything.
InstaClown, on the other hand… I wish it had a drawback as well. Maybe have it not explode into gas upon direct hit? Just something, really.
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Agreed. Not everything from the past needs changing. You are someone who has played since the early days and therefore know more then me and should be a decent judge of how they fit in. This whole discussion is based of a ridiculous topics about 'relics of the past'. Iri head is fine as is dodge it and the huntress will either drop chase or struggle.
This is exactly the ridiculous logic of this whole conversation.
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I’m as good as I can be. Hopefully better soon, after I win the lottery 😅.
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Optimized Iri Head isn't great gameplay, but I'm sure the devs would dismiss the concerns as "brainless competitive stuff". Run Agi+Deadlock+Iri Head. Hook inside of a 3 gen and camp it while holding a hatchet. Bare minimum 2k for existing.