Can you do gens without me?

I try, for 20 seconds, then get chased constantly, sometimes other people get hooked and no one else visibly wants to save (so I have to go for them), just to see myself die after a few more minutes of gameplay.
I want to know if anyone finds themselves in the same situation (I don't think so), and especially if me almost not doing gens is a problem to you. I swear I'm trying, but it seems so impossible to find time for it
If you're not going to do generators, run an altruism build so you can heal up your teammates quickly.
My suggestion for you would be:
We'll Make It
4th perk of your choice.
If you're not going to touch generators, be an asset to your team in Altruism. Unhook people and heal them. When you are free, tap a generator, even if only for a few seconds until it is time to rescue people.
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It sounds like a positioning issue if I'm understanding it correctly. If you're always being interrupted while you do gens, chances are you're trying to do the wrong gens at the wrong time and not reacting to the TR quickly enough. You ideally want to find the sweet spot between a gen cluster that has to be done, is reasonably spread out from your teammates, and isn't in the line of fire of whatever chase is going on. That takes time and practice to get down, and there's also nothing you can if teammates are dropping loke flies in chase.
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If I’m constantly on a chase with the Killer and my teammates aren’t doing gens then it is what it is. Only way to improve your gameplay is doing what you should be doing, don’t worry what the others are doing; that’ll just make you make mistakes.
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I'm not really sure what you're saying, but if you aren't finding time to do gens because you're busy doing something else, that's fine. If you aren't finding time to do gens because you need to crouch in the corner just in case, that's not so fine.
If you're good at chase, having the killer chase you is the best thing you can bring doing for your team. Unhooking when no one else is, super good. Leaving a gen to unhook when two other people are leaving gens to unhook, super bad.
The biggest thing you can do in solo queue to be successful is to play around what your teammates are doing. Always keep on eye on the HUD to know what they're doing and make sure you're finding time for gens if no one else is doing them.