Buckle Up+For the People combo. Why is this still in the Game?


The combination of Buckle Up and For the People is just stupid. Period.

As a killer you can't counterplay this, and it can be used to pull off crazy saves, especially during the endgame.

This combination has nothing to do with skill, it's purely a crutch mechanic that is not counterable and shouldn't belong in a game with an MMR ranking system.

It's basically a mechanic that completely negates the killers ability to secure a kill. Now, where is the "skill" in that?

I would very much like to know why the Devs thought it was a good idea to put this crazy combo into the game.

A reason. Any reason that would make sense. Especially explaining how this is considered "skilled" gameplay if you remove the killers ability to, well...kill.

And while i am at it. 4% luck at the hook? Why? I thought this game has one of the most sophisticated and complicated MMR systems you can imagine. Why do we have "luck" based mechanics in the game that allow for an easy escape?

I question the validity and usefulness of this MMR system.


  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 85

    Ill admit I hate that combo more than anything in the game so far. If a survivor picked me up with that id sit there and let the killer get his hook because its just a broken mechanic. As killer there is nothing worse than chasing someone down finally catching them only for someone to zoom infront of you and erase everything you worked for and there isnt a thing you can do unless you are deathslinger and they can even do it a second time if they want to. It needs a rework again

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,730

    Yeah, bHVR is really sleeping on Buckle Up + For the People combo because its been going on for MONTHS now.

    Genuinely, I don't know if they even know its annoying or if they wanna keep it cause it makes some streamers happy to do it.

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,087

    I feel like Buckle Up needs another complete rework, and then things will be fine.

    Curently Buckle Up is a problem because:

    1) with FTP, it's an uncounterable problem, where the killer cannot down either of the 2 people for 10 seconds

    2) it makes WGLF and Made For This feel redundant and discourage people from using these 2 perks, because a much better option exists -> the FTP + Buckle Up combo

    Buckle Up was originally a useless perk, and not it's a perk that creates a broken combo, and discourages people from using 2 other perks. This perk needs a completely different function, in my opinion. Then FTP, WGLF and MFT will start to shine.