The devs listened to Sadoko mains!!! We did it!!!

I just read the patch notes and have already seen a comment from @radiantHero23 about it. I really hope it is as good as it sounds in my opinion.
It sounds more like the original idea with some buffs. The fact any Survivor within 16m of any active TV will be affected by the curse when the Onryō teleports, plus no cooldown on teleports could be pretty useful! Plus, I didn't like them putting teleport on cooldown as this was how I prefered playing with quick teleports, so really happy to see this return.
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Cant wait to see how she plays now with the instant teleport and buffed tvs. Probably going to drop Dredge to play her.
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If the changes are good, then I am really happy for you Onryo mains out there.
You did it. You got your killer back. You did with your killer what I need to do with mine.
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Still kind of on the fence about the changes since we don’t have all the answers.
I’ll look at her addon changes before giving my thoughts. Inflicting debuffs on tape holders was on my wishlist, but I doubt devs will do that
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"the killer than benefits from tunneling has received a major buff to tunneling" a tale as old as time
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I'm not so sure. It largely reverts to the original Onryo. The condemn lock-in is nice and will encourage hooking each survivor at least once, but I'm not really sure how much of an impact it will really have on how survivors play. Is it really going to give any significant passive slowdown?
And I am concerned about some of the things that weren't mentioned. Sounds like tapes may not condemn when picked up, or build condemned while they are held. What, then, is the downside of just always picking up a tape and having it ready to deposit? Sure you have to go cross map to do so, but if you took the tape from near the gen you are working on, you're not at risk of building any condemn whatsoever as long as that TV stays off. And they didn't say anything about whether the TV cooldowns are changing.
Not to mention that we are back to the problem that, on a lot of maps, TVs can spawn more than 16 meters from gens. So her potential to build to condemn could be minimal depending on the RNG, even when TVs aren't being turned off. Unless they've also done a (desperately needed) pass on TV spawns as well.
Really hoping that the return of chase while demanifested means she also won't lose BL when manifesting/demanifesting as well. And also that she keeps the stun immunity.
It sounds like condemn may apply to all survivors near any TV which is generally a decent buff, but does have the side-effect that she will not be getting back her ability to tell if a survivor was near the TV she teleported to, which was always pretty useful info.
I'm most happy for the Reiko's watch basekit/change, but overall, I'm hesitant to say whether this really improves on the original Onryo enough, or whether it could end up actually making her worse overall.
We shall see.
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Good luck. Maybe one day...
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It is my friend!!!!
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Freddy is next!
Sadako shows, that we can achieve something. We can change something.
This is the right direction we are heading!
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we got 1 of my mains now for the legend to return aka freddy
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it wasnt sadako mains. it was survivor mains claiming they are. theyve been doing this for years, bhvr just actually fell for it
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Hopefully he is somewhere after June or you could get lucky and he might be moved up. Keep fighting!!! I wish you and your fellow Freddy mains good luck. The devs have proven themselves capable of reversing mistakes.
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If I could actually get on to the PTB to test her, I’d be estatic.
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I hope so, my friends.
It has been a long dance since July of 2019, and I really want my favorite killer back.
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I‘m in the same boat. Sadly we have to wait and see how it ends.
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I don't know her kit enough to decide whether or not this will be a meaningful impact. I'm just hoping she will stop being as much of a DC temptation as Skull Merchant.
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I hope the tapes give passive condemned after the rework again. It might lead to no TVs available again, because people will turn of most of the TVs to counter condemned like now.
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Maybe it will be like DH a demanded change for 5 years. It could be announced at anniversary. Their anniversary present to his mains.
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The mere thought makes me happy :)
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Though I’m on steam, so it should be working.
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Sorry I misunderstood you
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the iri tape change is so weird, isnt iri tape now just a flat nerf to her power?
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Yeah I don't fully understand it. I'm on console so I can't even test it.
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So I finally got the PTB working. If you're having trouble accessing it on Steam for whatever reason, I reinstalled DBD and it appeared then in the betas tab.
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The only real gripe I have is the Iridescent Tape changes.
Trading condemned for longer survivor TV cooldowns is weird, even with the TVs not turning off after a teleport. I tried combining it with VCR for mindgames but since survivors can grab tapes with no downside, you just have a ton of turned off TVs, no condemned and no real movement.
Otherwise the changes are pretty great.
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Don't jump for joy yet. It has to make it to live.
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If they ruin it I will be flying to Montreal and be having words with Mathieu Coté and whoever else is responsible. We have waited to long god knows how the Freddy mains have dealt with it.
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Honestly, I enjoy current Sadako but after playing the PTB I'll be the second to buy a ticket if they nerf anything to the PTB kit unnecessarily.