Save the best for last proposed change


I think the reduced percentage of the perk is okay, maybe you can keep it at 5% but make the maximum amount of stacks at 7, or 8, doesn't really matter, my issue with the change is that it will encourage hitting people off hook even more, and make hook trading extremely effective like it is now. Plus, the way you can lose stacks is bad, because some people can abuse it. The obsession can use Plot Twist or For the People to get rid of stacks, and you can't do anything to prevent it, to negate this, I think the perk should lose stacks like Play With Your Food does, if you hit a survivor with a basic or special attack (and if it hits, of course), it makes sense that way, if you hit a Demogorgon shred or a Wesker bound, you lose stacks, but Trapper (one of the most common users of STBFL) won't lose stacks if a survivor steps in a trap