8k Bloodpoint cap per category too low or reached too fast as survivor


Does anyone else have this problem ? Reaching the bloodpoint cap in objective, altruism and bold too fast? When I'm capped at one of those categories, I dont want to do any of those actions anymore because im not getting BP's for it..
I'm having games where I just get myself killed so I can continue to the next match...


  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    Pssst there are 4 category’s 
  • Lord_Technopapst
    Lord_Technopapst Member Posts: 26

    Soemtimes I also reach the cap pretty easy. For example repairing three gens together while the other two survivors are busy with the killer. So after reaching the 8k points I try to keep the killer busy so others can do the gens. That usually works out.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    That's a nice way to call for a BP action nerf :D just saying.