We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

What is BHVR's intending to do against toxic people and when can we expect something?

The last few weeks I started to resent this game more and more. Almost every game (as killer) I get the sweatiest tryhards you can imagine. Everyone is running the meta (lithe, adrenalin, windows of oppurtunity, resiliance).

Every pallet you get tbagged every window you get nodded and or tbagged. I don't even start about the exit gate dances of flash light clickies. I don't really know why people intentionally ruin the fun of the game by being toxic (must be really sad people in real life) but it started to annoy me to the point, where I noticed I entered the next match with the intention to slaughter everyone.

So at this point I will take a step back and leave the game for a while.

The question remains. BHVR added an antifacecamping mechanic and though it's not perfect it's a good step. Survivors however can be as toxic as humanly possible without ever facing a downside.

I think BHVR should do something about it because more and more of my friends and finally I are not enjoying the game anymore and I think I'm not the only one.

So I assume a fair amount of 'good' players leave the game for a while or forever and if this issue persists it will only leave more toxic people on the platform.

3 friends of mine already decieded to quit dbd and haven't played for 6 months because of this.


  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489
    edited January 12

    The thing is: survivors being toxic as of teabagging or flashlight clicking has no influence on the gameplay. Its just a psychological issue, you probably just could ignore for the better.

  • Ethromel
    Ethromel Member Posts: 176

    With all due respect that's really a YOU problem. Because you know what people try to mean by crouching in front of you and the like, you let it bother you, and you want BHVR to do something about people misusing a basic function in the game like crouching because players taunt you with it? Are you that sensitive? Is your ego hurt? It happens to me all the time, and I annihilate most of them. Then I'm the one who does the taunting.

    Be made of tougher stuff.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 667

    Players like to run strong builds because they are reliable and good for nearly every match. The sad part might be of cause that everyone is running the same builds. But to change this "problem" is up to the developers and another topic. Overall, it is okay to run strong builds - the survivors can run it and you too.

    Also facecamping is/was never a bad manner. It was more of a strategy like "Ok I get at least one killer or a trade". However, this playstyle was very boring and discouraging which is way the developers implemented the anti-facecamp-mechanic into the game.


    To start off, it is always an interpretation of why a player act like they act: For example, during the chill bone event I played survivor and threw snowballs at the killer during the chase because it was funny and I had no toxic intentions behind this. However, the killer took this personal and was tunnling me and said in the endgamechat that my behave was toxic. But it wasn't at all. You see, sometimes the behavior of the other party is interpreted as wrong. As a result, there is a difference in teabagging in my opinion: If the survivor tbag you at a pallet or a window they try do keep your attention on them and not on their teammate which might be not so good at chase or they know they have a good setup to keep you busy. It is important as a killer to know which survivor you should chase and which not and when a chase is a good idea and when not. Of cause if you want to improve at chase, it is a better idea to chase the best survivor because you can learn from them more. Also to look if its clever to keep chasing in the area. Tbagging at the exitgate, however, is more of a bad manner cause there is no other goal than giving the other one a bad feeling - my interpretation and I'm open to other views. I personally find this sad and it is even more sad that some players either lost the interest in this game or start to be an ass by their self - a false interpretation of act toxic get toxic. The developers seems to not care about this issue because their rules (https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408586353940-Invalid-report-reasons) say it is okay to tbag. Personally, I think the developers should find a solution to this to make the game more healthy in terms of playerbase because you are not alone with this - there many topics in this forum where players complain about it while the devs are silent. However, this is a long time issue. As a result, either you try to take it not personal and to forget these matches - you don't have always these matches and there are many good matches you have not only in terms of winning but also on gameplay experience and fun during the match - or you look for another game - might sound hard but if a game (that you play in your free time) gives you a bad feeling this game is no more second worth. There are many other great online-multiplayergames that are fun.

    When I play SWF with my friends and we get a toxic killer, we turn these negative experience into a funny one by making jokes and other stuff - only in the voicechat with my friends not attacking the player, of cause. Same goes for killer it can be sometimes really funny how hard players try to give you a bad feeling that they act more like a clown. It's sometimes also a good choice to take a break from the game when you feel the bad experiences are too much for today/at the moment.

    tl;tr: Year, having less toxic players in the community is always good and I hope the developers sees the same way. But at this moment it is up to you if you can find a way to take bm less personal or to find a new game which makes you and your friends really happy and you can all enjoy.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 269

    From a logical point of view that may be the right thing to do but we as humans are only capable of ignoring stuff to a certain point. Basically what you say is the same as 'Ignore the bullies'. The situation in online games might be a little bit different but ultimately you can't ignore something like this forever. And if it happens a lot more often over a short period of time everyone is getting pissed at some point.

    I don't like the chain reaction of anger this whole thing starts. Toxic survivors lead to an angry killer over time which leads to other survivors having to endure an angry killer which then will lead again to survivors being angry at killers and so on. That's why I think toxic gameplay should be detected and punished.

    I may have been around for only 3 years in dbd but I noticed a big mood swing in both parties. Lately a lot of killers tunneling hard for no reason and tons of toxic survivors.

    If nothing is done I think this might lead to a vicious circle which will make the game experience worse and worse over time.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 269

    Honestly and with no offense, you sound like someone with a bully mindset.

    You don't think this to the end and where this problem could lead the community. It seems it already started to affect you. You say you ignore it? Doesn't seem to be the case if you feel the need to focus on this survivor and taunting him. But what if you still loose? Or the survivor escapes?

    I think after 6 hours of toxic games everyone get's tired no matter what youre made of.

    But maybe I'm made of wax, Larry, what are you made of?

  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    First I don't think perks are part of the problem. Running the strongest things will always be part of high mmr. That's how Lot of people made it to high mmr. But I do agree that toxic gameplay is a problem. Individually one team here and there that t bags every pallet and says gg ez. Or a killer that slugs out someone for no reason or hits people on hook every time. By themselves I don't think it's a problem but the fact is this behaviour is in the majority of the matches and it affects the other side too. I've taken a step back and looked at my own gameplay and realized I've changed how I play. I set my messages to friends only. (PS5) I tunnel. I camp. The other side has pissed me off enough I no longer care weather they are having fun or not. The game shouldn't be like that but it is now.

  • Stroggz
    Stroggz Member Posts: 498

    Get yourself a ghostface and become toxicity incarnate yourself! Show em dat butt dance!

  • Orthane
    Orthane Member Posts: 426

    I have to take a break from the game. I'm a P85 Skull Merchant main.

    I think that's all I need to say about the end game chats I experience every single game.