Survivors should have something extra to do after being sacrificed

As a killer, you'll always get the full match, but as survivor you can be tunneled or slugged and then you're out of the game. Which is especially frustrating if it happens before the first gen even gets done. This is part of why surviving is so important to each susurvivor. Bhvr should put in something extra for sacrificed survivors to do until the match ends. It doesn't even have to be the same map, since we've seen that dbd can have two maps running in the same match back during the Halloween event with the void. Make it completely optional of course, just make a portal that advances you to the post-match screen if you don't want to stick around until the match ends, but if you do want to stick around maybe there could be a system to let you build up power to buff the remaining survivors or hinder the killer, or maybe something entirely seperate all together like dealing with the entity in the void while the killer is still hunting down survivors
I'm not sure why this is necessary. You could just move on to the next match before the current one finishes. Or you can spectate your remaining teammates.
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I like the idea of being able to help teammates after death somehow, maybe as a ghost that can buff survivors or hinder the killer like you said. It would also help the tunneling issue if sacrificing a survivor wasn't a pure buff to the killer for the rest of the match.
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It is SWF problem. basically your partner dies so you have spectate the match. Sometimes if your the killer player, you'll notice that one player is a swf so when you kill them, the other player just suicides... and kills themselves on hook instead of playing out the match.
In solo, the player will just preemptive leave and find another match.
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I get the intent, but I'm not a fan of being punished for eliminating a survivor.
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On the other side of the coin, tunneling out a survivor shouldn't be as rewarding as it is.
If a 'dead' survivor could still have a minor impact on the game, it would make early sacrifices less impactful. Still favouring the killer, but not as much.
That's not really the same as punishing the killer. You could just as easily say: "why should the remaining survivors be punished for their team mate dying too early?"
I'm not sure what a 'minor impact' would look like though. It would have to be carefully implemented.
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I do like the idea to stay and to some small degree be able to help your team and still get some points and fun out of a match that ended prematurely for you.
though it’s a very hard thing to design, while hard tunneling someone out shouldn’t be intensified, you as killer shouldn’t be punished for killing a survivor especially not when they just give up on hook. Also it could be a direct buff to SWF while leaving soloq pretty much as is…
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I'm thinking it could be something along the lines of:
If you remain in the trial and spectate, you can complete special minigames/skillchecks (context tbc) doing so powers up a 'Black Glyph' which will appear where you died, and it's aura revealed to all survivors for a few seconds.
Another living survivor can interact with this Black Glyph once it's appeared for some sort of bonus effect. Something like a 10% increase to repair/heal speeds for 60 seconds.
This can be repeated indefinitely to keep the dead survivor busy while they wait, but only one Black Glyph can be active in the trial at any time.
This makes it a bit of a trade off, you're not directly aiding your living team mates, you're providing an additional resource for them. They still need to seek it out to make use of it, and it serves as an additional objective, so to some degree it's benefitting the killer by getting survivors off gens. The killer can choose to target the survivors they think have activated the Black Glyph to keep them occupied while the buff counts down.
This would have to be combined with an incentive to stay behind. Bonus bloodpoints for each other team mate who survives. Which you obviously can't claim unless you're still in the lobby when the final survivor escapes. E.g. if you don't escape, you get 2500 BP for each survivor that does. That's a potential 7500 BP, which makes up for the lost survival points.
Without this incentive you won't get solo survivor sticking around and this would just be a buff to SWF.
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Similar to what was already said you shouldn’t punish the killer for their strategy. Though I completely agree with the make it worth your time to stick around and spectate. If they added a bp gain for watching the match to the end or even a set amount per time you watch, in the case of your other friend is eliminated and you both are ready to move on. This could give you peace knowing at least you aren’t just losing time waiting for your friend.
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can those special minigames/skillchecks include me controlling a crow, flying around the map and searching for these special objectives?
should prevent you from just being able to track the killer and calling out to premade friends of course.
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If not for the fee info swf would get, controlling crows to give false info to the killer would be hilarious.
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As a killer main, I also hate tunneling. I'd like there to be some sort of anti tunnel system in place, but every time something happens, survivors find a way to weaponize it. No one uses off the record, for example, to avoid the killer. They use it to bait the killer into chasing them since they have an extra health state so the killer loses a load of time.
Frankly, if 5 gens are not done yet, they need to simply have an unhooked survivor get wrapped up in an invisibility effect and lose all collision with players, make no sound, no blood pools, no scratch marks, and cannot interact with ANYTHING for 10 seconds. This would give them ample time to vacate the area and away from the killer to allow for a reset but also prevent them from weaponizing it with free repairs/bodyblocking/etc.