I never bought demogorgan. I bought "Jolt" aka Surge from the SOS and now I noticed killers that don't shady have it can't get it. Why? I don't wanna buy that Killer, and I should already have it unlocked from the Shrine. I'm leveling my Hag and I can't seem to get it.
I just got all perks on Mikey but again, no SURGE!
Maybe it's buggy. It was one of the base-perks after they removed him and they said now that he's back it will be an character-perk again after a while. So I guess it just took it away and ignored the shrine for some reason.
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That's BS tho given I paid 2000 shards for it. I was leveling hag desperately and it just didn't come back! Basically, I got finessed out of 2000 shards on console and 2000 shards on PC.
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Well nothing new to be buggy for dbd. You could ask the support if they are able to do something, they are really nice people from my expierince.
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Yeah, sounds like a possible oversight, I'd raise a support ticket.
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My man, did they got you fixed? I have the EXACT same problem.
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If you bought Surge before they removed the Stranger Things DLC then it’s probably a bug and you should send a ticket about it.
“Jolt” was never in the shrine though. If you only got it after the DLC was removed then you most likely didn’t buy it from the shrine and got it because it was given to everyone for free as a generic perk. They went back to teachables when Demo returned. If you didn’t buy it before he was removed then it isn’t a bug and you need to buy it again sadly.
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Yes, pretty sure that any killers that already had it usable kept it, but not 100% sure as I owned Stranger Things before the removal. But new killers, it for sure won't be on.
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It was definitely in the shrine because I did not buy demogorgon
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Surge was in the shrine a few times before Demo was removed. If you bought it from the shrine before the removal then this is a bug.
After the removal of Demo however, Jolt/Surge was never in the shrine because everyone already had access to it. If you only got Jolt/Surge after the removal of Demo then you never bought it in the Shrine and only had it because it was a generic perk like NOED and Sloppy and every killer could get it without needing to own Demo or purchasing it from the Shrine.
Once they brought Demo back it became a teachable perk again and no longer was free for everyone so anyone who didn't own Demo or buy it from the Shrine prior to his removal lost access to it.
So it depends when you obtained it.
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If you are still missing surge and play on steam, send me a message with your steam name (or reply here) and I'll gift you the stranger things DLC so you can get it again. Sorry this happened to you.
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Ok I will...