We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

What is the best dredge build?

I love my turkey boy but he is so desperatlly dependant on rng, maps, add-ons and perks that I don't feel like he is fun anymore. Every power can be countered and the element of surprise is completly gone with his integrated dyson v12 and having a locker further then 12 meters from the gen.

I don't ask for easy kills. I ask for advice.

It feels like he is barely playable the more experienced the survivors are or if you're against swf. I watched a lot of gameplay videos and I may not be a god tier killer but I think im pretty good. I do mindgames remnant plays and tactical tp's. Yet I don't really get a hold of the game most of the time. If I tunnel one player out of the game early its easy but I don't like playing like that.

So as I am facing 4 meta builds every game the question is: Is there a meta build for dredge? Is there something like a best build for him? While I feel like some builds work on him a lot of perks have low synergie with his powers.


  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 269

    I feel like sloppy butcher is mandatory as his power relies a lot on survivors being and staing hurt

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,538

    > I don't feel like he is fun anymore

    Story of every Dredge player.

    From my experience, Dredge can't be involved in chases too much and can't build pressure only from teleports, you always need to find balance in between.

    Problem is... there is no consistent build on him, because of how map dependent he is. On some maps his antiloop pretty good, on other it does nearly nothing. On some maps you can win with 4 info perks only, on other you will play almost without perks, because you turned out to be on map with huge openfields and without lockers.

    Since his chases are not so fast, probably best build for wins is 3 slowdowns + Sloppy. Btw, Dredge is pretty good in current stay-on-gen-injured-because-of-adren meta, that's why i love Gearhead on him.

    Wish they buff turkey boy somehow.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,268
    edited January 18

    He's an M1 killer with a map traversal power.

    Basic attack synergy and long range aura reading are what you want to focus on. Expose cuts your chases down (good for any M1 killer) and you want to be able to find survivors quickly from across the map to keep them engaged and pressured.

    I like to use Make Your Choice with Floods of Rage for some quick hooks to build some pressure between 'down time' where you're just tracking/chasing.

    Friends to the End isn't a bad choice either, gives that long range aura, and he's one of the few killers would can potentially capitalise on the Expose.

    Anything else that works with Basic attacks too, Surge, STBFL, Unrelenting, Sloppy, etc.