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I updated Keys to be more useful and promote team-play

Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068
edited January 19 in Feedback and Suggestions


Keys are an underused item in Dead by Daylight. Most Survivors opt to avoid their use and instead rely on more consistent resources, such as Med-Kits and Tool-Kits. This can leave matches feeling rather stale. That’s why I’ve put together a series of changes that will improve their usefulness throughout the entire length of matches; making them a more appealing option for Survivors.

Before we dive into the update, we need to understand the various issues players have with the Key item.

First and foremost, the Key item can only ever be used by a single Survivor. This already limits the usefulness of the item. Since only one Survivor can make use of it, the Key won’t give any benefit to the rest of the team. To make matters worse, the Key can only be used once the Hatch has been closed, making it purely a ticket out of a tough match.

So, how have I updated the Key item to improve its usefulness? Well, for starters I reworked the Key’s usage to be more finely tuned with the current era of Dead by Daylight, and removed some of the ‘bloat’ with the add-ons.

The first step of the Key update was to give it an additional use, so moving forward Keys can be used to instantly unlock chests. Unlocking a chest using the Key item will now consume 1 of the Key’s charges, which reminds me; Keys now use charges and can no longer be channeled. Unlocking a chest using the Key acts the same way as a normal unlock action, and will function with any and all perks that affect chests. Unlocking the Hatch will also consume 1 of the Key’s charges, so you will want to make sure you have at least 1 charge remaining.

Beyond this extensive overhaul to the item, I reworked the majority of the Key’s add-ons and even created new ones with this update in mind.

At last and most certainly least, the Broken Key item has been removed from Dead by Daylight, and all players will be refunded the correlated number of Bloodpoints they spent on purchasing the item.

Broken Key

  • Removed Item.

Dull Key

  • 2 charges.
  • Grants the ability to instantly unlock chests.
  • Grants the ability to unlock the Hatch.

Skeleton Key

  • 3 charges.
  • Grants the ability to instantly unlock chests.
  • Grants the ability to unlock the Hatch.


As mentioned previously in the update, the Key has had an overhaul to its add-ons. You can expect new effects, and some reworked ones making their way in. Ultimately, the Key item and its add-ons will have a new place in Survivor loadouts and can even be useful for completing some of the more time-consuming Tome challenges in The Archives.

Below is a full list of the available add-ons for the newly reworked Key item.

  • Lucky Coin: Chests opened using the Key are shown to Survivors within 24 meters.
  • Emerald Bracelet: Chests opened using the Key guarantees a common Med-Kit.
  • Silver Necklace: Chests opened using the Key guarantees a common Toolbox.
  • Prayer Rope: Shows the auras of generators within 24 meters when the Key has at least 1 charge remaining.
  • Scratched Pearl: Chests opened using the Key have 1 random add-on attached to their looted item.
  • Gold Ring: Increases the number of charges by 1.
  • Prayer Beads: Shows the auras of Survivors within 24 meters when the Key has at least 1 charge remaining.
  • Gold Token: Increases the number of charges by 2.
  • Weaved Ring: When you are killed or sacrificed, consume this add-on instead of the Key.
  • Milky Glass: When you open the Hatch, consume this add-on instead of the Key.
  • Unique Wedding Ring: Shows the aura of the Obsession at all times when the Key has at least 1 charge remaining.
  • Blood Amber: Press the Secondary Action button to consume 1 charge from the Key. Consuming a charge shows the aura of the Killer for 10 seconds.


  • MrT1412
    MrT1412 Member Posts: 104

    This is a worse item since it nerfs the ability to see the killer's aura and chests are pretty much useless in normal gameplay. It could work if chests were changed to be more relevant though, and I like the addon ideas.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 740

    Personal, I like the broken keys by design and would rather add a element of reward/risk reward to it. Like it has a 50% chance to work like a regular key and allows the user to open a chest or escape hatch, or it has the other 50% chance to fail and break instantly and alert the killer with a noise notification. The current broken key are only useful for only revealing aura, and it gets completely Overshadowed by every higher rarity keys with the most useful benefits of unlocking hatch.