Where do we Report Cheaters now?

Ryu Member Posts: 5

Found one with all the good stuff...All three P3 AVs and Perk AVs at the same time.


  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    Just because someone has all the perks it suddenly makes them a cheater?

    This game has been out for 2 years yknow
  • swenpai
    swenpai Member Posts: 259

    First thing, he just has all of the perks.. he is not a cheater. 🤦
    Second thing, you still report players in-game.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388
    I have all tier 3 survivor perks on 5 different characters. I have had the game less then a year. All it takes is grinding.
  • Ryu
    Ryu Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2018

    xD u didn't understand me sry i reported enough cheater like him (and they are all banned). I mean all Prestige AVs (for people who doens't know what AVs mean AVCHIEVEMNTS on the Steam the things u get for example prestige 1-3). And with Perks i mean the AVs again...for getting all three teachable on billy, trapper etc. He got every Prestige AV + The teachable Perk AVs on the same date 7. Oct. 21:29.

    Ingame report ofc i don't trust this ingame report system when it's an obvious cheater.

    U really need to read the whole post not only "all three perks" or u really don't know what AVs mean idk

  • Royalty
    Royalty Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2018

    The only current way of reporting players is through the in-game system, mainly as a result of the online player report form being took down. Other issues that are similar but not related to reports (i.e. bug reports) can go in the links below, if there is a category for it.


    Which corresponds to the E-Mail;

    For all of us nonetheless, please don't use any of the systems for pettiness obviously, because this is the reason we can't have nice detailed report systems!

    Post edited by Royalty on
  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,377

    The only way to report any players is through the in game report system. Please do not use the support form for this purpose. Thank you.

  • Ryu
    Ryu Member Posts: 5

    I reported him ingame but i don't think it will help. I liked the old system more where u could write a mod with evidence this way i get like 7 blood points cheater banned and 2 lag switcher. Well i Guess the cheater wins :/

  • RagingRealm
    RagingRealm Member Posts: 70

    You should probably not call achievements AVs since nobody abbreviates them that way you and you just confused a few people because of it. As of now there's no way to report people doing this.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    ...yeah... duh... obviously AV stands for AVchievements.

  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427
    MandyTalk said:

    The only way to report any players is through the in game report system. Please do not use the support form for this purpose. Thank you.

    To add to that, you have to include the evidence yourself. As in, upload the video, link it in the in game report. 
  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,194

    The worst part is, there's not even a "Cheating" category in the report section lmao

  • Ryu
    Ryu Member Posts: 5

    Yep and he's still not banned....love playing against/with cheater and they go free._.

  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    I ran into a 3 man F*** You wearing SWF crew yesterday who abused the Combine Havester ledge so i could not pick them up. They somehow got from the ledge to the haybale and i could not pick them up. This issue, i thought, was fixed. Apparently it is not as it is still happening.

    End of game was all about i am a ######### ect and did not get a hook. When i repsonded by saying that i am reporting his exploit his response was something to the effect of i do not give a toss and this will lead nowhere.

    Meaning there are no bans. I dont believe they ban people. I think it is just lip service.

    I sent an email to them. that is all i can do

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    you dont know what cheating is
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