Chucky Feedback

First off, great job on this killer. He's both really fun to play and to go against. He really only needs a few tweaks.

  1. The way basic attacks affect the hidey-ho mode timer feels a little weird. Often, the time they remove either ends hidey-ho mode or leaves so little time left that it's not actionable and only serves to prolong the power cooldown time. You should simplify things by either making it so basic attacks don't affect the timer or they always end hidey-ho mode for more consistency.
  2. Slice & dice hits feel a little inconsistent. Anything you can do to improve things so misses miss and hits hit would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Manual scamper is fine. No changes needed. It creates some fun 50/50 mindgames.
  4. Scamper during a slice & dice is too easy to counter. You should dial back the turn rate restriction for a small time window after the slice & dice scamper to allow for curving briefly after the vault.
  5. The purple footfall add-ons (mirror shards and plastic bag) are pretty bad and should be given new effects. Same goes for the terror radius reducing add-ons (silk pillow and strobing light). Pile of nails should be buffed with a longer duration and should activate whenever hidey-ho mode ends.

Hope this feedback helps and keep up the good work!