Why did the devs nerf sadako?

Well I think they thought it is still too strong and if you read the dev notes, they wanted to nerf her even more to prevent spamming teleport condement and to not help her tunnel condement people.
But the issue is, killer doesn't need power to tunnel you so that is pointless and will punish non-tunneling Sadakos harder and makes condement joke same as before her rework (ori version).
Her condement is now yet again not scary at all, you can prob ignore it most of the match too.
She is like slightly better than ori version which is pretty bad in terms of power strengh. Like imagine having a broken plank and now just paint it with more fancy color but its still broken useless plank xD.
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Her old version was stronger. At least tapes gave condemned.
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At this point?
To make a lot of dedicated people sad. They had enough feedback. I don't understand why this happened at all.
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I’m beginning to wonder if the dev team even used the PTB feedback when making a decision about the two nerfs.
The liner about noticing some Killer players teleporting to the “wrong” tv to stack up more Condemned stacks on a Survivor gives the vibe of the devs watching a few content creator videos which utilized this strategy or saw a few Survivors get hooked while fully condemned, panicked and started working on the nerfs.
Assuming that the Live release changes had to be pushed early due to console certification and tweaking teleports to not Condemn if the power button is on cooldown would take more effort than changing a few numbers which was the majority of the PTB feedback, devs wouls have had to start working on the nerfs fairly early.
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They should just stop making ptbs! They are useless and half of the players can‘t even access them.
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They didnt. I was very active in the Sadako feedback. These changes are something nobody wanted.
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Becuz they dont know how to make sadako not being able to kill survs despite she can do it.I will explain it easier.
They want curse to be enought reason to make you move across the map to cleanse it yet not be possible to get fully condemend and moried despite she can do it.
Their perfect scenario doesnt exist.If you make videotape enought menacing to make surv to move surely there will be some moried surv with 0 hooks yet if they make it such "flexible" to make it not really threathening people will just ignore mechanics of videotape.
Im my opinion? Im sorry run to put tapes like you do with pig when you have a trap if you die...well you should priorize yourself rather than gens.
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I miss the old tapes soooooooo bad!!
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Yes they were cool and should definitely return.
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I'm on console so couldn't leave feedback there but I read through it and I don't know where they got this from I also made posts congratualting the devs and praising them for listening and fixing their mistake. People can tunnel with any killer and I am honestly questioning if they actually listen to us when we tell them this did not go well they listen make it right and with qol changes and then take it away. The point of the PTB is so that the update comes to live version in a better form.
Agreed! I can't access it which I don't mind too much except in situations like this when they pull stuff like this we listened 2 weeks later we changed our minds you don't deserve your favourite killer back. I am rarely as angry as I am now.
I know, a few people pulling things like this is not worth having a massive panic over in BHVR hq in Montreal. They ignore feedback defeating the entire point of the feedback section and the PTB itself. I swear the Sadoko situation will probably be the new meme. The devs seem to blow things way out of proportion. If a small percentage of players play Sadoko in that playstyle in their heads it seems that must mean everyone is doing it.
You said it and listening to their playerbase which you know is asking a lot becauseand most games don't do it.
This game is going downhill but at least they made Billy mains happy.