What is a "Teamwork" perk?


Since they were introduced, Teamwork perks haven't received a single new addition, which is uncommon for new perk types, considering Scourge Hooks and Boons were added for 3 chapters straight each, yet we only have Power of Two and Collective Stealth as Teamwork perk representatives.

So i wanted to know: What is the thought behind a Teamwork perk? Are they exclusive to chapters where there are 2 new survivors? Are there plans to keep them coming?

My personal theory is that they're perks made for 2 people to use separatly, but they activate together and act as one once they do, but still being able to be used on their own.

Still, i'd like to know if anyone has answers or any other theories about these!


  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,274

    It's not like they're a special category of perk. It's just a name that means nothing.

  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 623

    the teamwork perks are for a double survi vor chapter and needs to fit the character too, renato and thalita are basically BFF so it makes sense, power of two and the scratch mark one are a bit weak alone, but stronger together, you and your friend can run away super fast without leaving scratch marks

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,280
  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    They're a bad concept is what they are. It's generally not a good idea to group up because it's shrinking the map for the killer, this is why many altruistic "bully" squads actually fail is because they can't actually go that far from each other so the killer only has to worry about a small section of the map.

    Teamwork perks don't offer enough of a bonus for the benefit you're giving the killer especially the prevalence of legion it's a terrible idea to bring them.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,638
    edited January 28

    A failed concept. The worst thing survivors can do is stay together for extended periods of time as that allows the killer to pressure multiple survivors at once.

    They also come with more conditions/downsides than actual effects and those effects are bad.

    The only effect that could work for a teamwork perk would be gen repair speed because there 2 survivors can't sandbag each other, but prove thyself and friendly competition already exist.