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Nightmares of Fear: Survivor Perk Ideas

RyanTheNCR Member Posts: 57
edited January 29 in Feedback and Suggestions


Seeing all torture devices like cages, death chairs and hooks motivates you to overcome the pain of terror.

The auras of hooks are revealed in white within 16 metres of range. If you have successfully sabotaged a hook, Familiarty will activate for 5 seconds at the following:

  • The killer's aura will be revealed to you.
  • Gain a 10% haste status effect.

After the following effects, Familiarity will deactivate and has a cooldown for 60/50/40 seconds.

"I've seen those contraptions back at the slaughterhouse case before." - Sammy Green

(Note: Scourge Hook: Hangman's trick has made a debut, so this perk seriously need a change. Familiaity will reveal auras of scourge hooks and grant effects when sabotaging them. This infomation will be updated in the future.)

Last Struggle

Near death may lead to your greatest defeat, but you won't let this happen.

Once you are one Hook away from instant death, Last Struggle activates when you're injured:

  • Your Grunts of Pain was reduced by 50% at all times.
  • Your bleeding frequency was reduced by 50/65/80%, reduced the pools of blood produced.
  • Scratch Marks you left are faintly visible.

You gain 100% bonus blood points for actions at the survival category.

"I don't think I'll make it.... But I have to escape!" - Bryan

(Note: This perk was meant to be a last resort of the trial before the Killer finishes you for good. And it won't hurt just to earn a little bit more bloodpoints, isn't it?)

Atheletic Strength

You've used all of your might to tackle your enemy down.

You pull pallets 30/40/50% faster. 

Stunning the killer with a pallet with an additional 1 second, and goes to a cooldown for 50/40/30 seconds. It has no effect when rescuing a carried survivor.

"Get back, you bloody beast!" -Mike Winston

Teamwork: Rally Up

If your classmates are having a hard time, it's best to motivate them.

Whenever you finish healing another Survivor, Teamwork: Rally Up activates, and both you and the healed Survivor benefit from the following effect:

- Gain a 15% speed bonus to cooperative actions for as long as you stay within 12 metres of one another or one of you loses a Health State.

Teamwork: Rally Up has a cool-down of 180/160/140 seconds.

Survivors can only be affected by one instance of Teamwork: Rally up at a time.

"Don't give up on me yet, we're getting out of here alive!" -Mike Winston

(Note: We need a new Teamwork perk, so this is what's came in. I think I should change this to something else but I don't know. Maybe some vaults, maybe?)

Persistent Chase

You survived a lot of nightmarish pursuits, but none will catch you eventually.

When you are chased by the Killer, Persistent Chase activates and you benefit from the following effects:

- You vault windows and pallets 2/4/6% faster.

- Unlocks the attribute to recover from the Exhaustion Status Effect at reduced 30/40/50% of the normal recovery speed while running. (120/100/80 seconds of exhaustion recovery with this perk)

These effects linger for 10 seconds after losing the killer, after which Persistent Chase deactivates.

"Hold on, I did not sign up to become a dead bait!" -Mike Winston

(Note: After what happend to Made For This, This perk will be nerfted, which triggers it with the same condition as the MFT in the future.)

Karma Bite

Inflicting pain from small animals may hurt a lot, but you have the urge to resist.

When You're suffering the Deep Wound Status Effect, Karma Bite Activates the following:

  • Your mending speed was increased by 25%.
  • Grunts of Pain was reduced by 75% at all times.
  • Extends 15 more seconds on the Bleed-out timer before entering the dying state.

Karma Bite deactivates when fully mended or you're in the dying state.

"I'm fine, just a simple bite from a rabbid monkey." - Mia Wyandez

(Note: Legion mains are so stabby, Dead Hard and Made For This are nerfted, so this will spice this up during chases.)

Boon: Kindled Spirit

You have unleashed a powerful connection of the totems, which left behind by the darkness.

You see Auras of Cleansed, Destroyed, or Rekindled Totems.

When approaching it, hold the active ability button for 30/25/20 seconds to resurrect or recreate back as a Boon Totem. When Boon: Kindled Spirit is active, you'll gain the following effects when you're within 24 metres of the Boon Totem's Range:

  • You'll leave no pools of blood when injured.

If the Boon Totem was snuffed out, it'll light back again for the next 30 seconds, the next attempt will cause the Entity to consume it and cannot be recreated for the reminder of the trial.

"The Lantern will lit to the right path." - Estella

(Note: This perk is illogical to take such efficency. This is a counter against Shattered Hope and Hex: Pentimento, and this perk idea is too impossible to make out of it.)

Phychic Reconstruction

You have focused your ability to fix the broken ones, and you adapted it.

You see Auras of Destroyed Pallets.

Press and Hold the active ability button for 12/10/8 seconds while standing close to the destroyed pallet to magically rebuild back to its former state and its upright position.

Phychic Reconstruction has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.

" I can fix it up... And I don't need any helping hands here. I can do this myself." - Estella

(Note: You just say thanks to the Leatherface, Hillbilly, Oni, Demogorgon, and pallet breaking perks to make this perk to exist.)


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,117

    iron will, rebuilding pallets and recovery exhaust while in chase are not fun perks for killer to play against.