A solution to prolong 2v1 scenarios.
I seen people complain about Survivors running both Distortion and Calm Spirit and how the match prolong past the 10 to 20 min mark. Instead hitting Distortion and Calm Spirit with a Nerf Bat, how about I introduce a QoL change.
Make Whispers base kit to every killer! It will still have the 32 meter detection. But what would new Whisper Perk do? Decreases survivor detection to 30/25/20 meters, which in theory, should be easier to find survivors within 20 meters. You would have a blue icon next to the perks that tells you that there is a survivor nearby. This will ONLY work if there only 2 survivors left in the trial. Basekit Whispers deactivates if there 1 person left in a trial, which give the survivor chance to open the exit gate or find hatch, or if one person is on a hook while the other survivor is roaming the map. If they go for save or unhook themselves, then basekit Whisper re-activates.
Looking forward to hear everyone's opinion on this idea!
I have an idea.
Buff Boil over
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So pretty much we are giving free win to killer.
Last 2 survivors are not doing anything because they can't do anything. If they sit on gen, killer will find them and kill them easily. That's pretty much suicide, what survivor have to do here? So your suggestion is just not fixing the real issue here. It's just giving free win to killer.
And also this will be buff for slugging for 4k. What is stopping the killer slug 3rd survivor and find the last survivor with base-kit Whispers?
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Lmao, I am so in with this buff. xD
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It should come with the 3rd survivor can self kill for Hatch to spawn. Well, if the random not self kill on purpose...another problem
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They can still do a gen or get chase on purpose so the other survivor work on the last gen, if that comes to that, of course. The idea here is to stop them from prolonging the match by fighting to be the last person for hatch or doing it on purpose. As for the slugging part, it turns off if the killer slugs one person and they will have to look for the other one as normal.
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Additionnal function needed, detects survivors through lockers. Whisper's doesn't trigger if a survivor is in a locker, the last 2 survivors could just play musical lockers the entire time to keep the match prolonged beyond what it should be.
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Hatch should just appear at 2. Also eliminates the need to slug for hatch because we all know that will happen. Realistically 2 survivors can't finish gens, especially if someone got tunneled out early.
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They would have to lower the volume of the noise or flat out remove it if that the case.
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That is something I never knew was a thing. Hmmm, perhaps it works though locker as well to avoid such shenaniganry.
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I don't like this change either but the idea behind it is pretty much the same idea as giving basekit anti-camp or anti-3-gen. Hiding can absolutly be the best idea for survivors but it's not fun or interactive for anyone and therefore it needs some sort of nerf to disincentivize it.
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I dont think many killers would enjoy the whisper sound effects. Although I'd guess some sort of whispers tracking (without being annoying, maybe more visual like the survivor heart) would make for a fine unconditional addition, if balance tweaks ever make such an addition necessary. (such as after the solo-swf-gap-closure hyperbuffs to all survivors lol)
As both survivors simply just stop doing objectives because waiting for the other to die is less risky than doing gens, just make idle crows more agressive. A hidden timer that spawns crows whenever these lazy shits dont do objectives for X seconds, the difference to regular idle crows being they follow the survivor until they interact with a gen, chest, or similiar object. Obviously not vaults, pallets or Lockers. Identity V spawns crows on survivors who arent doing stuff for 80 seconds (no poisition checks but "go do stuff or the killer gets pinged")
yep, punish survivors for not doing their objectives.
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Basekit Whisper has low volume on the whispering parts, which i forgot to mentioned.
As for the crow part, I like it.
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No, half the survivor team shouldn't be able to get a free win for losing.