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Quick Gambit is decent now

Member Posts: 2,533

Quick Gambit is a perk I always thought would be undertuned but I was wrong it got a last minute buff when it hit live.

The generator repair speed to people working in generators within 36 meters could be genuinely useful especially on smaller maps. But the thing that really makes sure it will be decent is the extra aura reading they added. Now you can see which generators to AVOID in chase because when you get within 36 meters of someone working in a generator it gets highlighted. This helps you use the perk effectively because you can try to gauge the “closer but not too close” range so you can give teammates the buff but not utterly sandbag them.

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  • Member Posts: 156

    Buff the repair speed to 12-15% and we can start talking, there is too much risk of snowballling an entire match just because of someone trying to get value out of this awful perk. Its just a bad idea of a perk from the beggining, you shouldnt run the killer near a gen thats being repaired. Most of the times your teammates will curse you for doing that, even if you are giving them that little to nothing repair buff. Absolutely not worth the risk, even less in soloQ. I can only hope for this perk never comes in play in one of my matches.

  • Member Posts: 3,936
    edited January 2024

    Hahahaha, yes it is a nice change, and makes Quick gambit not a bad little perk at all. Great for anyone who wants to take chase instead of working on gens, pretty good for breaking 3 gens, and exceptional on small/2 tiered maps/maps with a strong central structure.

    Deja Vu is talked about as being a little OP with its permanent free 6%... yet apparently some people are so greedy with their requests for buffs that 8% to likely 1, maybe 2 and possibly even 3 teammates at the same time isn't good enough... cause if it isn't so busted it redefines the meta, its trash 😏

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    It's an interesting change that also shows that it's taking effect. I do feel like I was a little too harsh on this perk last time, so I'll probably try it out when I'm playing with friends to see if it helps them or not. It's also good to hear that they didn't go with that compensation nerf for the repair speeds.

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    On that note, I wonder if it wouldn't be too much to gain Objective BP for any gen progress affected by Quick Gambit. A small QoL thought.

    I'm actually fond of Quick Gambit. I took to running it due to, when playing with my roommate, having an unerring ability to run the Killer to where he's on a gen.

    I also think I got decent use out of it in Ormond thanks to a Doctor who was focused on me in particular much of the match.

  • Member Posts: 2,533

    Quick Gambit stacks with other instances of itself you have to remember that. So if its an endgame three gen and the killer keeps trying to chase people off gens by starting chases they won't commit to you could have instances of 16% boosts if two people have it

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 62

    Still this is a super niche use of the perk and the chances of people using quick gambit instead for the rare ocurrence of someone trying to chase 2 survivors at the same time.

    Quick gambit was underperforming, is underperforming and will be underperforming because you'll always get more value of a Déjà vu wich doesn't require someone getting chased for it to work.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    36 meters isn't close by any means unless you are playing with a blendette that starts fading away the second they hear TR. i don't think it only affects the highlighted gen and if so, not a completely trash perk anymore, would pair well with bond.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    no it doesn't. if the range is bigger, like 48 meters, it will have same effectiveness on two floor maps as every other map. that is kinda of biggest problem with it. It is only good Gideon's because that is only map where the radius is sufficient to activate its effect. On every map, it has not enough up-time to be relevant time save.

  • Member Posts: 334

    Does it stack with Open Handed?

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Making the perk start to charge up (like Skate out) when you're near a teammate's Gen. And charge down if you're out of range.

    If you manage to charge up the perk (by making X sec of chase near a teammate's Gen), the perk activated.

    Once the perk activated, the affected Gen will get X % faster, for X sec. Only 1 Gen affected at a time, and it would be the lowest progression one. The chased survivor can run to anywhere after charging up, they dont need to linger

    After then, the perk get a X sec cooldown.

    Im not putting number because Im not sure what would be balance. Just throw the idea.

  • Member Posts: 562

    Copium at its finest, the perk is STILL trash.

  • Member Posts: 11

    Actually, OP had a good point with using it as a way to tell what gen is being worked on while still giving a buff. Would bond give the same effect? Of course, but at least there's a tiny bit of a bonus to using this instead, at least if you're a good looper. Particularly if there's multiple on the gen.

    Is it valuable in a SWF? On a 2 floor map, it def could be. But if you use it primarily for the info about a gen being worked on and the speed boost as a happy accident, it's not terrible (do I need to bring up an actually terrible perk like premonition?) and it at least has some degree of usefulness (troubleshooter was a staple in my solo q build for a while for both the gen info and killer info on pallet drop). Could it be better? Of course. But if you were to pair that with prove thy self... That could be really speedy, as that's enough to counter the 15% penalty for efficiency. And if that's further buffed by someone with deja vu? Christ...

    It's in the same vein as blood pact/teamwork: power of two. On their own, they're not great. Paired together? That's some ridiculous speed, especially if you paired them with hope. You can actually reach 119% haste. You are actually faster than the killer. Bring dark theory and that's 121%.

    On its own, it's not a good perk. You might be better off bringing other things. But if you're in a swf, and they have prove+deja vu? This could be really powerful.

    That also seems to be something that many people (including myself for a long time) are missing. Yes, deja vu would help more, but if you pair this with deja vu? That's 14% faster gen speeds, which is roughly 11s (assuming perfect up time), with only QG and DV. Including PTS with 2 survs (both also running deja vu, with PTS active), that shaves the gen down to just over 41s (default is about 53s for 2 perk less survs, no skill checks). If it's 3 (the third ALSO having DV), that's ~32s.

    In a SWF, this perk can be comboed to be BRUTAL for killer. If the load outs were as follows:

    2 running PTS, DV, QG, any other perk

    2 running QG, DV, any other perks

    The killer would have a rough time dealing with the gen pressure if the team is good about keeping 1 PTS on a gen at all times and someone else helping them.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 62

    I suppose the range for the aura reveal its augmented but the repair speed range its not increased

  • Member Posts: 1,048

    8% is a lot...............

    ............for constant gen repair. the problem is that this perk applies conditionally and potentially only for like, 15 seconds at a time depending on what's going on. utlimately it might save someone like 3 seconds of gen time.

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