Is Deathslinger supposed to be losing 4 stacks of STBFL

Title basically. When you go to shoot and then hit the obsession instead of losing two stacks of STBFL you now lose 4. Is this how it is supposed to work now or is it and I hope it is just a bug. Anyone know? My only guess is that deep wound state that DS applies is counting towards an injured state.
He should be losing only 2 since shooting obsession on it's own does no damage. Landing a hit afterwards is -2 stacks. I guess system doesn't take his power into consideration and treats transition from healthy to deep wound as two hits, thus consumes 4 stacks. Not a bug as is but certainly not fair.
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It counts as an special attack similar to trapper 's traps.
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Unfortunately, in their haste to avoid survivors cheesing STBFL with Plot Twist, the devs forgot that not all special attacks cause survivors to become injured when hit. Trickster's blades each cost 2 stacks of STBFL now. 4 blades and you've lost everything.
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All those bugs due to a rushed nerf.
We know they can do distance-based effect correctly. If they had just made the perk deactivate near hooks all those issues wouldn't exist and the perk wouldn't actively encourage tunnelling.
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this whole change was unnecessary and uninformed
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Well I’m happy it is an oversight and not an intentional change. Hopefully it will be corrected soon.
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It works the same way as PWYF now which is that every special attack counts so in Slinger’s case, getting speared is a special attack (regardless of whether you break the chain or not), and then hitting them is a basic attack so you lose 4. Only difference is it only counts attacks that actually hit the obsession, whereas with PWYF it doesn’t matter if you hit anyone or not.
For Trickster every individual blade is 2 stacks as well.
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No way they leave Slinger and Trickster that way, it'll be changed. Hopefully sooner than later.
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Huh... I made this suggestion... using how PWYF works for this change to STBFL... I was not aware of it myself that PWYF behaves that way on Deathslinger and especially not Trickster... so I can't really criticise BHVR too badly since I made the exact same oversight... 😒
So with that being case this sounds its an issue that both perks could do with their logic modifying to account for both killers...
I guessed BHVR had PWYF stack loss tied to scoring events, which is how they discounted certain special attacks on PWYF and not others... If that assumption is correct, it sounds like PWYF and STBFL are counting on the events:
- Speared for Deathslinger (then is getting a seperaye proc again for the basic attack). This should be changed to 'Off the Hook', as the basic attack will handle it on its own.
- Trickster Knives I would guess is Blood Bonus? Not sure if Trickster scoresper knife, but if so, should be changed to Blade Hit.
Ofc if I'm wrong, may revolve around some weird logic that loosely defines 'attack'... which may be trickier to solve.
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it won't be changed because deathslinger harpoon is special attack because the end of chain breaking counts as health-state loss and m1 hit after is a basic attack. Trickster applies same logic where his knives attack counts as an special attack because 8 blades is health-state loss.
The only 3 killer that have exception to the rule are Trapper, Skull merchant and Plague. The reason being is that trapper trap has a function of injury but they do not neccassary result in a down. the killer pick-up the survivor from the trap is the down. Plague and Skull merchant do not count because they inflict broken status effect and broken status effect makes you go from healthy to injured. It is treated as status effect injuring you and not the killer. Pinhead also has some exception due to Engineer fang add-on.
I feel like they will rework this perk at some point in like 1 year because I played few games with it and it feels bad.
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Na, even easier TBH. just make it so after a non-obsession is unhooked they become the obsession, that actively discourages you from tunneling them.
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obsession can body block with BT/OTR.
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You wanna know what's really funny? Use STBFL on tier 1 and see him lose all 8 stacks for 1 injured state.
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Let them. It's their funeral.
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That would’ve been funny if you could do that, but they actually changed that, the stack loss is 2 on all tiers of STBFL now. The tiers now affect the max number of tokens you can get instead (now 6/7/8 instead of always being 8).
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I missed that. Thanks. Still terrible but not quite as terrible.
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Perfect opportunity to tunnel them then. And then they only have themselves to blame for losing.
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This kinda increases the dont chase the obsession thing with stbfl that is honestly so unhealthy for the game state. While I dont think stbfl should reduce the cooldown on death slingers m2 animation I dont like this either.
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Apparently this is not a bug:
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Not all special attacks cost PWYF stacks though
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Guess that's the trade off... though it seems weird that Deathslinger seems to be thrown on the after between MFT and STBFL.
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so survivors stepping in traps robs you of your stacks as well. neat.