suggestion: Leaving mid match

hello i have encountered an issue thats made the game rather unfun lately

players leaving the game mid match

So i was playing a match as Ghostface everything went well got a few stalks in however once i downed one person they left the match, this happend with all four and made the game pretty un-fun seeing as i now had to sneak up on bots with X-ray.

i would suggest that you maybe add a penalty for leaving a match "on purpose" not talking about Disconnecting

or a reward for the killer/survivors depending on wich side rage quitted

thank you for your time.


  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    The game cannot distinguish between an internet problem and an intentional DC. You do get penalized for this behavior by getting your matchmaking banned for a certain amount of time depending on the amount of times you DC.

    Killers should not get rewarded for someone DC'ing. That would promote tunneling, which is the main cause of DC's, and cause a catastrophe of toxicity where the killer would want you to rage quit for the rewards. Tunneling is bad enough as is. As for the survivor side, bots usually play better than the person who DC'd so that's the reward I suppose.