We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Monitor your games, send those reports with evidence. Keep cleaning

I think everyone who played this game for a while had some matches where things where just not adding up. Either the distance the survivor gained while out of sight or the game sense the killer had looking behind that particular rock for a survivor right after entering the area.

Well bhvr does take these things serious. But they need your assistance. I started recording matches whenever something felt wrong and was able to expose multiple cheaters and people with no in game behaviour since then.

It really feels so good to send a report and see that ingame notification a day or two later. Don't get me wrong, sending a report because the killer hits you once on the hook or because of tunneling really is not worth your time or the time of the support team.

On the other hand it is really important to send evidence about cheaters, people who can't behave in the game (like killers humping a survivor or hitting you on the hook constantly all day long) or people who take the game way too serious and start to threat you in the end game chat.

Reporting is a tool which is there for us to help the team keeping the game in a healthy state (which may sound odd but healthy state is not relating to balancing here).

We should use it only when we feel confident we witnessed something that is opposing the game rules/mechanics, so the team can react to a report and is not drowning in meaningless reports.


  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Recordings take a huge chunk of storage so I just take screenshots. Not the most convenient thing, but it has proved effective at banning people also.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,368

    Medal is a free program that records the last X seconds of your game (default is 15 secs, it can be changed). then you press the hotkey (can be changed) to save a recording of those X seconds, my son showed me this and i have been using it since.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,368

    I wonder why there is not a server confirmation of what people do.. ect. run from A to B, faster than possible with out x perks. or people going out of bounds on the map.

    Cheaters were the main reason i stopped maining killer, some days i saw 2 cheaters in 3 games (and thats just the one not rtying to hide what they did).

    But the stuff you describe where killers is slapping you on the hook, its not any worse than survivors tbagging killers at every loop or pallet dropped. And even bots do that, so that is pretty much a statement on where bhvr stands on the toxicity part. I was baffled that they even let the bots be toxic.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 637

    Streaming is good for this kind of thing, too, as it doesn't take up storage on your PC, and if you stream on Twitch, you can save clips or highlights of the best (or worst if you prefer) matches. Otherwise the vods will expire after 14 days, so you won't have to worry about cleaning up your hard drives.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 269

    I totally get where you come from. I stopped playing my favourite killers because a lot of times I had to face cheaters who then are toxic on top and your killer may not have the mobility to catch them.

    Most cheaters can only be punished by suprising them (assuming they don't have wallhacks) or if your mobility is a lot higher even with cheats.

    I think it could be possible to monitor the game on the server side (if the architecture is somewhat the way I think it is) but it would consume more computing power as you have to analyse the builds the latency and calculate the graphs on the map youre moving on. It would probably result in an increase of ressource usage regarding cpu and a little more memory. It may not be much but if you scale that up to 100.000 games per night that extra cost will add up.

    As the game itself is free to play (you don't pay for playing online) everything has to be cost efficient. That's why new cosmetics and dlc's have higher priority. Cheaters will always find a way to work around the system but in the end they only make up a small percentage of players in the game base. So as long as there is no significant increase in cheaters, the priority will be too low to assign more budget to this.

    People who play killer regulary will face more cheaters as they often escape thus having a high mmr. That's why it feels like there are a lot of cheaters in the game to those who play killer every day.

    Toxicity and bots on the other hand is a different topic. Yes it's bad and it is a valid reason to get banned if you get reported. But being toxic does rarely affect you (in the way of game mechanics). The reason its bad in my opinion is because people can only ignore bullying for a certain amount of time until they snap.

    In the end two complicated issues with no real solution in sight.

    Thats why I record my games with obs (delete the files after playing if nothing happened) and report as much as I can (justified reports of course nor rant reports). It's the only thing we have to get revenge on cheaters or toxic people. So we should keep doing it.

  • Bambelbar
    Bambelbar Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Hey, I'm new here. I have a fresh video to submit. Can someone steer me toward the place to submit a cheat report, please?

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,802

    I agree with the sentiment that the cheaters and hackers should all get reported, but their reporting system places an awful burden onto the players.

    Most people do not record their stuff, and those that do need to ship them through YouTube because the file size has to be tiny otherwise. There seems to be various ways to do all this on PC, but for us consolers it's horrendous.

    And then there's our precious Switch cousins. Love you guys! ❤️💝 These poor bastards had their ability to record their matches removed years ago, in an attempt to improve game performance. What in the Entity's bright blue bunghole are they supposed to do?

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 269

    Hey and welcome to the fog. To report a cheater or for any other request you visit the following website


    There on the bottom right you see a chat icon. When you click it, it will start a chat bot which will lead you through the steps of sending a report.