'Lights Out' makes me want to punch my own lights out



  • Gaminboi2864
    Gaminboi2864 Member Posts: 14

    I like it as both a Killer and Survivor. For Killer, it feels so much less stressful having to deal with Survivors having perks that make your job impossible, but it also gives you the chance to feel like a horror movie villain rather than a punching bag, Survivors don't know where you can come from and can easily fall prone due to them not knowing nearby Pallets and windows. And for Survivor, it absolutely feels like DbD hard mode. Like as Survivor, you don't have your OP perks to take multiple hits or do gens super fast, aside from the 8 chests that have at least Rare toolboxes, but after some time in solo que I actually managed to figure out simple strategies to face this game mode. I always make sure to keep a mental map of every gen location, or use a map item, to prevent a 3 gen from occurring, because of that happens it is game over. I also keep a mental note of every nearby Pallet and Window to increase my odds of escaping, that way even if the Killer manages to hit me once, I still have a chance to lose the Killer with looping. Plus, there is also no scratch marks, so if you manage to not get hit, you are literally untrackable. Pools of Blood are still present, I might think that could be removed from this game mode so that the Killer is also lost in the dark as much as the Survivors. But overall, still a fun game mode, especially for playing as The Shape (my main) and it's about time he some love. This game mode was made for him lol. But hey, this is clearly a test game mode, just to see if BHVR could even implement a new game mode. This isn't going to be the last game mode because why would BHVR bother wasting their time implementing this feature. I do wonder what other game modes will be featured.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 224

    It may be boring because people make it boring.

    Camping around with bubba or picking legion to bypass the challenge of lights out is pretty mindnumbing in my oppinion. You loose survivors very quick if you they break line of sight for a second.

    The challenge for killers is to master their killer power and figure out where survivors might go. On the other hand survivors have to figure out where the killer might go and be more aware of their surroundings.

    Lights out makes dbd finally feel like a horror game and I never had more fun before. Never was I so lost on the map and never this scared.

    Sure some players really ruin this mode by running around without a clue where to go, not helping teammates or simply by camping and tunneling. This mode is not for them.

    I win a lot of killer matches but escape a lot of trials as survivor as well. It actually feels more balanced then normal dbd as in normal dbd I get killed in most matches.