DLC Chapter Idea - Hotline Miami

I know I'm not the first to think of this idea, but after finally getting around to finishing both games I see the potential.
New Killer: The Maniac
Fear is the driving point of the human psyche, capable of manipulating a person into committing endless travesties. Especially those with a weakened state of mind. As was the case for the murder of Miami known only as Jacket. A broken man scarred by a militaristic past and the deaths of close friends. All it took was a cryptic and threatening phone call from an unknown individual to bring forth his inner demons, to awaken a sadistic sense from inside. At first, he did the jobs because he had to. But as time went on, he did the jobs because he adored it. He denied it to himself, but it was true. He loved to cause pain.
But after his final gig in which he singlehandedly took down the entire Russian mafia, he gave up. He took one last smoke before the police took him, and he was sentenced to an unknown fate, changing the lives of many.
Now, he's back. He doesn't know where he is but he sees victims. Victims in a world with no witnesses. With access to his signature mask and baseball bat, he knew what he had to do. He was going to do what he loved, and there would be no survivors.
Developing Sociopath: The Maniac's power, Developing Sociopath, emphasizes the deteriorating mental state of Jacket. The more pain he inflicts the more sadistic he becomes, and his power grows.
- At the beginning of the trial, The Maniac moves at 115% movement speed and his terror radius is 24m.
- While chasing a Survivor, your power slowly charges. Losing the chase will halve how much your power charged during the chase.
- Hitting a Survivor instantly gives your power a more significant boost of charge.
- Once your power reaches 50%, The Maniac moves at 115% movement speed and his terror radius is 36m.
- Once your power reaches 100% charge, The Maniac moves at 110% movement speed and his terror radius is 36m.
- When your power is at 100% charge, The Maniac can activate his power to wind up a powerful swing. If the swing connects with a Survivor, you will perform a long kill animation on the Survivor and they will be killed.
- Your power will reset back at 0% after using your swing, whether you land it or not.
The Maniac is a snowballing killer, capable of changing the flow of the match after enough time.
His perks Overkill, No Mercy, and Sadistic Kick focus on gaining benefits from killing Survivors in ways other than sacrifices.
Overkill: Your love for brutality is enlightened within the Entity's realm.
- When performing a Kill action on a Survivor, such as using a Memento Mori, gain a token.
- Each token grants you a 15/20/25% bonus to bloodpoints earned at the end of the match.
- The auras of all Survivors within 52/46/40 meters are revealed to you for 4 seconds.
"Do you like hurting other people?" -Richard
No Mercy: Their pleas mean nothing. When a Survivor is healed from the Dying state, they gain the Exposed status effect for 10/20/30 seconds and their aura is revealed to your for 4/5/6 seconds.
(Tier 3) Survivors put in the Dying State for the 3rd time and above contract the Hindered status effect while in the Dying state.
"You're not a nice person, are you? You make me sick!" -Rasmus
Sadistic Kick: You've accepted who you are, and you get an undeniable joy from causing pain. After performing an action in the Brutality category, gain 3/4/5% Haste for 3 seconds.
"Knowing oneself means acknowledging ones actions." -Don Juan
Richard: A mask that depicts a rooster. It fills the wearer with an ecstatic sense of reality.
Rasmus: A mask that depicts an owl. It fills the wearer with a harsh sense of hostility.
Don Juan: A mask that depicts a horse. It fills the wearer with a comforting sense of calm.
Bloody Richard: A mask that depicts a rooster, defaced with the blood of victims. Any meaning it had has faded away underneath the gore.
Letterman Jacket: A letterman jacket that has become an icon of fear for residents of Miami, Florida. Never go somewhere without it.
Bloody Letterman Jacket: A letterman jacket that has just been through a day on the job. Even in this state, never go somewhere without it.
Jacket's Bat: A menacing baseball bat that Jacket uses as a particularly violent and gory way to dispatch his victims.
Bloody Bat: A menacing baseball bat that Jacket uses as a particularly violent and gory, very gory, way to dispatch his victims.
New Survivor: Evan Wright
Evan has had a long career as a writer, going back as far as being a journalist during the Hawaiian Conflict, interviewing some of the surviving soldiers. However, that was long ago for him, and his new focus was writing a book detailing the murders of Miami, especially the ones relating to the sudden acting out of an ex-soldier, and more importantly, who was leaving messages on their phone. It was going well, especially with the help of his police inside source Detective Manny Pardo. However, that all changed one night when he was eating with his family, and a blinding light filled the room. An incomprehensible boom, and then, silence. Evan found himself closer than he could have ever imagined to the subject of his book, but with no way of writing down. Though writing about it was now the least of his concerns. He did everything he could for his book, even if it put him in danger, and now, in this new mysterious realm he was in, he would put forth the same conviction on a more important goal. Ensuring him and others could make it out.
Evan Wright is a Daring Journalist, capable of performing a variety of tasks.
His perks Risk it All, Retaliate, and Journalist Sense give him more options to just finish a task as the Killer approaches.
Risk it All: The greater goal is too important to be cautious. You start the trial with 1 token. When repairing a generator that is 98/95/90% complete, reveal your aura to the killer, and you are immune to damage and pull-offs. Getting hit during this time will deplete a token.
"That guy, Petrov. He wouldn't see me. Almost got beaten up just trying to get in." -Evan
Retaliate: As part of your moral compass, you do not kill those who oppose you, rather, you approach non-lethal methods. Stuns you inflict on the killer last 15/25/50% longer.
"Help! Somebody call an ambulance! There's been an accident... ... Is there anyone here?" -Evan
Journalist Sense: Your base instincts encourage you to be where you don't belong and to find what isn't yours. Searches through chests are 90/100/110% faster.
(Tier 2) Searching through the chest located in the Basement is an additional 100/200% faster.
"Well, they mentioned The Golden Truck Stop. Something about mob connections." -Evan
Wright: A writer who would willingly risk it all.
Bloody Wright: A writer who has willingly risked it all.
Orange Jacket: A simple orange jacket that is good for most situations.
Blood Orange Jacket: A simple orange jacket that has just been subjected to rage.
Tanktop: When Evan takes his jacket off, you know he's serious.
Slacks and Shoes: Simple slacks and simple green shoes, great for a guy who wants to wear pants.
Ruined Slacks and Shoes: Slacks and green shoes that are covered in blood. Not too great for a guy who wants to wear normal pants.
As for the map, I don't know. Maybe Metro, the first level of Hotline Miami 1? I would like some sort of neon hotel to really reflect the colors of the game but I don't remember any particular examples and I'm done searching the wikipedia for all the quotes and stuff. For example, in the Hotline Miami DLC heist for Payday 2 you play in a hotel and it felt very appropriate. So something like that would be ideal.
This is Miami: Kill 25 Survivors with Developing Sociopath.
Stay Down: Down a total of 250 Survivors.
Adept Maniac: Self-explanatory.
Sacrifices: Get hit while throwing a pallet 25 times.
Adept Wright: Self-explanatory.
Post edited by Mrrgle_the_Mediocre on1