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Skull Merchant's RADAR is bugged

Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,175

Platform - Steam

The Skull Merchant's radar is visually bugged, and shows a survivor's location like this:

It should only show the little white square, but now it also shows the huge white rectangle. I can still track a survivor with this, but it is annoying like this. Visual clutter. It occurs in any match I play.

NOTE: I have checked a few Skull Merchant streamers, and they *do not* have this issue. I am assuming it has to do something with the settings I am using, but I don't know which one exactly. This has been happening since the Alan Wake midchapter. Before the midchapter, I did not have this issue. Since the Midchapter, I have been using the new MAX FOV.

Here is a screenshot of the Graphic Settings I'm using:

2 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

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