A bunch of killers need to get blacklisted for Lights Out

Why would you even add this game mode if people can just pick a tracking killer and metagame it?
Yeah, there's no reason for the tracking killers, which just kills the purpose of Lights Out. There's zero downside for them.
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Yeah you're a bit of a killjoy if you're bringing Legion or Doctor in.
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It's funny how killers that are usually low to mid tier become OP in this gamemode. Any kind of tracking ability is a huge help. Even if an ability is not really suppose to be a tracking ability, if it helps find survivors in any way, it's huge. Artist throwing crows at gens... Great. Plague puking on gens to get survivors to make noise... that works. Heck, Nemi's zombies raising their arms is more valuable than his whip.
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You should try out Alien on this mode. his tunnels when you emerge give you 16 meter of killer instinct and you can see foot markers in the tunnel. you get amazing tracking.
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Alien kind of works for both sides. The flame throwers beep when you're nearby so while you can track survivors via tunnels, survivors get a warning you are near.
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Alien actually sounds God tier awesome for this mode!
Being spoopy Alien sounds loads of fun 😁
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I'm trying afew killers to see how they work out. Just played a Nemi game hoping zombies in the dark would offer a fun experience. Nemi's loud footsteps probably resulted in a net negative though, lol.
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Yes, I must say Doctor was the easiest to find survivors. It didn't help that much though. You need luck for the blast hit and the Doctor illusions have only shown the general direction once in my match.
I didn't try Legion because it felt wrong.
I wouldn't mind to see them both disabled, especially Legion.
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They only blacklisted Freddy because the Dream World effects clashed with the Darkness, not because of any gameplay reason.
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Honestly I’ve seen so many legions because of this mode with doctor and alien.
I wait by a hook 🪝 and go to the next lobby. I love the new game mode but those killers make it miserable. 😄