Lights Out too easy to camp and tunnel

Soon Member Posts: 5
edited February 8 in Feedback and Suggestions

Let me start by saying new game modes are a breath of fresh air, it's a great direction to take the game... However...

If you're going to remove all items, giving survivors no way to self heal... remove all aura perks for survivors, making it impossible to find team mates in solo q, and on top of that give them no visibility of the killer over 10m and no terror radius, it's a no brainer that they are going to sit next to the hook, you just accidentally run into them injured and gg.

A simple suggestion... Please remove the hooked survivors aura from the killer, and also remove gen auras from the killer.

The killer has ample time to find the generators, just like the survivors do, extra time is not taken into account for survivors looting chests and roaming around the map endlessly looking for a generator or a team mate to be healed.

The killer knows there is no DS, or any anti-tunnel perks for that matter, making slugging and tunnelling extremely effective.. This has been a problem in this game since day 1, making a new game mode will not changes someones play style, you need to balance better.