Is skullmerchant too strong or are we just not aware enough?

Recent statistics from nightlight shows that she has been far over 60 % for the last months.

Current status:

I personally do have issues to play against this killer as her speed boost is unpredictable and makes it hard to greed pallets. So looping is limited. She has basekit undetectable when placing a drone which is also hard to embrace as (in my recent games) she will just recall drones and replace them to have a large time of undetectable.

The drones are down for a short amount of time when you hack them. The stacks from getting scanned never vanish unless you are put into dying state. When you get chased by her and she places a drone you could get scanned twice before being able to break from the loop. This means she is one scan away from another speedboost, tracking you, hurting you, and applying the broken status effect.

My suggestion would be that you can remove a stack by hacking a drone. This would punish the Merchant for placing all her drones randomly greeding undetectable.

Also maybe have some cooldown for the drones like when they are hacked she cannot retrive them immediatly (can manually if she is close by) and cooldown for placing drones. This punishes bad drone placements and enables the survivor to at least get away from the loop before getting scanned twice.

